A Video Guide for Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants in Long Term Care
44% of all long-term care residents have experienced some form of abuse in their long term care facility. Resident abuse can take many forms, from obvious rough handling to more subtle acts like ignoring a resident's request for care. Abuse is inhumane and illegal, but most of all: it's preventable.
Caring for your residents is your top priority. Residents and their families trust you to help protect them and their health. Understanding the causes of abuse and the impact it can have on residents will help you to be proactive in using strategies for preventing it. Above all, being educated and informed can help you make sure your residents receive the best possible care.
During this program you'll learn:
~ What constitutes abuse
~ How to identify risk factors that can increase the likelihood of abuse
~ How to distinguish different types of abuse
~ How to report abuse