This combination set for workplace bullying training can help you address management bullying in a tactful and straightforward way while making it clear to employees that you expect them to behave respectfully to each other, as well.
For Employees:
Bullies often act just under the radar, denying their hostile intent or shrugging off their behaviors as humorous or insignificant. Yet, the constant tension they create - and the way their harmful activities tend to build over time - not only damages the individual targets of their behavior but also the workgroup as a whole.
That's why you need to bring bullying out into the open. So you can deal with it directly and put an end to it.
For Managers:
What do you do if you're the supervisor or manager of a problem employee? What if you are the target of bullying behavior, yourself? Or if you are accused of acting like a bully?
As a manager, it's up to you to be a role model. You need to insist on being treated respectfully yourself, and you need to provide a safe and respectful atmosphere for your people.