Over 75% of families have working parents. Over half of all American preschoolers are currently in some kind of daycare situation. The issue of finding suitable childcare is one of the most important decisions facing parents today. Whether you work by choice or necessity, you will be faced with the same concerns. What is the best childcare situation for my child and how do I find it? Each section is introduced by short interviews with parents asking questions and voicing their concerns about different aspects of the problem. These are followed by illustrations and information from experts in the field including representatives from national organizations concerned with childcare, early childhood development experts, and family therapists. Perhaps most valuable are the tips at the end of each section from parents who have solved the problem in creative and practical ways. The program covers: childcare dilemma, guilt, when to go back to work, finding adequate daycare, home -based alternatives, evaluating facilities and providers, helping children to adjust, making the working family work, dealing with problems, co -ops, working from home, and the modern family.