Lou Brown tells stories that communicate important lessons accrued from over forty years of working on behalf of individuals with disabilities in classrooms, workplaces and courtrooms. The stories will make you laugh, cry and angry. Lou argues for the combination of integrated schooling, authentic assessment and instruction, and other rational instructional practices and individually meaningful experiences in real work settings.
A Lifetime of Stories on Three Discs
Disc One stories focus upon the struggles, absurdities, barriers and joys associated with attempting to arrange for students with disabilities to function in the same schools and classes in which they would function if not disabled with individually appropriate and professionally responsible supplementary aids and services. Disc 1: 82 mins.
Disc Two stories focus upon practices in which professionals engage that have important affects on the basic life qualities allowed students with disabilities. His thesis is that far too many of the instructional practices utilized are demeaning, counterproductive, inhibitory and/or otherwise harmful. A description of all of the stories told on the discs can be found in a print-friendly PDF file on disc two. Disc 2: 63 mins.
Disc Three stories focus upon options professionals can exercise that would prepare students with disabilities to function in the real world of work at the point of exit from school. Currently, the post school vocational outcomes of students with disabilities are blatantly unacceptable. If better outcomes are to be realized, better service delivery models, instructional practices and curricula must be generated. Disc 3: 151 mins.
The DVDs were recorded in front of a live studio audience of parents, teachers, school administrators and job coaches. Read printed versions of Lou's stories under video support.
~ "We all need to validate our work on behalf of students with disabilities. Lou Brown Unplugged speaks to my heart. There is a whole generation of educators who have not had the pleasure of experiencing Lou Brown. What an opportunity." - Charlene Green, Associate Supt. For Student Suppport Services, Clark County, Nevada