Physics Demonstrations in Mechanics is a two-part video program which presents a full range of physical demonstrations in the area of mechanics. The program was developed in an effort to give physics teachers a collection of video demonstrations to supplement their live classroom demonstrations. The program was designed to meet the needs of high school physics classes as well as introductory level college physics classes.

Physics Demonstrations In Mechanics: Part I
~ Uniform and Accelerated Motion:
Position-Time Observations (Stroboscopic Photography)
~ Gravitational Acceleration:
Determination of g (Stroboscopic Photography)
~ Projectile Motion:
Simultaneous Fall (Stroboscopic Photography)
~ Projectile Motion:
Monkey and Hunter
~ Projectile Motion:
Trajectory of a Projectile (Stroboscopic Photography)
~ Circular Motion:
Direction of Centripetal Force
~ Circular Motion:
Centrifugal Effects on Rotating Sphere
~ Circular Motion:
Motion in a Vertical Plane
~ Conservation of Energy:
Minimum Critical Velocity on a Vertical Loop
~ Work and Conservation of Energy:
Energy Transformations on a Double Incline
DVD (With Teacher's Guide)
High School & College
35 minutes
USD 78.00
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