Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, NJIT, New Jersey, USA
This publication is a professional quality DVD factory tour, covering Denso lean manufacturing system solutions in a Visual Factory Management & Control (VFM) framework. VFM is an integrated set of methods and technologies for the purpose of reducing waste at all levels, improving profitability, increasing lean production control, product & process quality, productivity, safety, on-demand / just-in-time (JIT) Kanban production / delivery, and employee morale in a factory, or virtually in any business. VFM and factory automation typically begins by following an integrated process, requirements, and risk analysis method, embedded into a statistical analysis and multimedia framework. As a result, the team will have a clear picture about what needs to be done, when, and how. The next step is typically the implementation of a 'Five S', a 'Lean Six-Sigma', and a 'Monozukuri' program.