Facilities that embrace quality of life initiatives are experiencing significant benefits.
Residents feel more content, and many show improvement in their emotional and physical health. Families feel reassured and become more supportive of staff. Staff members find that resident/staff relationships grow stronger and more positive, and they are rewarded with residents who are often more cooperative. Facilities consistently receive better survey results.
If you're ready to work on enhancing the quality of life for residents in your facility, "Preserving Residents' Dignity" is the perfect next step. Now you can devote an in-service or orientation session specifically to the issue of resident dignity, the most cited quality-of-life issue in study after study of resident attitudes and behaviors.
During this twenty-minute video your staff members will:
~ Learn what dignity means to a resident living in a long term facility
~ Hear how residents feel about practices and procedures that are common in many facilities
~ Identify the key factors which can either maintain or destroy a resident's dignity
~ Uncover staff behaviors which support a resident's need for dignity while still accomplishing the care task at hand