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Throughout the ages men and women have cherished gold and many have had a compelling desire to amass great quantities of it - so compelling a desire that the need to seek and hoard gold was aptly named "gold fever". Gold was among the first metals to be mined because it commonly occurs in its native form. It is not combined with other elements, is imperishable and exquisite objects can be made from it. Dating back over 5,000 years ago, Gold was used by artisans of ancient civilizations to decorating tombs and temples. This program teaches a brief history of the discovery of Gold and explores the many uses throughout history. Subjects covered include: Physical and chemical characteristics of Gold, How Gold is connected to world economies, How Gold is found and classified, Various hypothesis on how Gold was formed in the Earth, Mining for Gold in underground mines, Open-pit mining for low grade Gold deposits.
The Marine Science Institute leads a student expedition along the California Coast. Pools left behind by the receding tide reveal fascinating marine creatures. It's a delicate ecosystem affected by climate change and rising sea levels. The Sandhill Crane, a species that goes back 40 million years, is the most abundant crane species in the world. But the Greater Sandhill Crane is endangered. A preserve in Central California is working to restore their population. Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska is a place to celebrate the wonder of trees, from the discovery ride through the orchards, to the 50-foot high tree house. The farm is also developing a hazelnut hybrid to introduce as a green biodiesel crop. Plus, the winner Of Planet Connect Teen Video contest.
DVD / 2012 / (Junior High - Senior High) / 20 minutes
Gravity from the moon creates ocean tides on earth that go out two times a day, every day of the year. This effect of the moons gravity on the oceans can be harnessed and turned into power. In fact, people have been using the power of the tides to do work for centuries. This program explores how tidal power is generated and how it works. It illustrates how the tides are created, how watermills once used the tides to grind grain, and how modern power plants use turbines to turn this constant flow of water into electricity. It also discusses how tidal power plants can work without damming estuaries and rivers. Comes complete with online teachers guide which includes subject matter revision and suggestions on how to present material, questions to ask students, career possibilities and class projects to help illustrate the key concepts.
Take a dive into the underwater world of coral reefs and explore their importance in helping us understand much of the recent history of our oceans. The long life span of coral reefs has made them important places for scientific exploration and today much of that study deals with coral reef survival. Students will learn that the largest reef in the world is the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. Comes complete with online teachers guide which includes subject matter revision and suggestions on how to present material, questions to ask students, career possibilities and class projects to help illustrate the key concepts.
One of the harshest environments on earth exists at the place where the sea meets the rocky shore. This visually stunning program examines the wide variety of animal and plant life that survive these difficult conditions that are caused by pounding waves during the ebb and flow of the tides. Students will come to appreciate how these plants and animals have adapted to develop unique survival mechanisms that help them find food and escape predators. Comes complete with online teachers guide which includes subject matter revision and suggestions on how to present material, questions to ask students, career possibilities and class projects to help illustrate the key concepts.
Starting with a brief historical overview of mining, this comprehensive program takes us out of the classroom, into the field, and down the mines. We visit Victoria's Stawell gold mine and meet experts from Rio Tinto, experiencing first-hand the processes and technology involved in modern mining operations. Following the mineral exploration flow chart, we discover how mining companies search for mineral deposits, explore the four most common types of modern mining operations, and explain of the froth flotation method of separating minerals from gangue. Finally, we examine the all-important process of land rehabilitation after the mine has closed.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Join environmental engineer Will Toliopoulos as he takes us into the field to explore the rock cycle. We begin with a tour of Earth's core, mantle and crust, and how they interact to form the three main types of rock - igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Next is a detailed exploration of the three rock types, how they are formed, their properties, structure and characteristics. And finally there is the rock cycle itself, here explained in detail using real-life examples and dynamic graphics. Our youthful presenter clearly explains concepts and defines key terms while keeping this complex topic fresh and interesting.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
Global warming, ozone depletion and acid rain all make headlines and the evening news. In order to understand these and other global environmental problems, students need to understand what biologists call the biosphere.
Part 1. A Brief History of the Biosphere.How did the biosphere come to be? Traces the history of four billion years of the growth of the atmosphere and of changing life on planet earth.
Part 2. The Biosphere Today. Gives the student a clear, dramatic picture of the scientific concepts needed to understand the biosphere today.
In The Biosphere the keys to scientific literacy include:aerobic, ages of earth, anaerobic, amino acids, ammonia, bacteria, biosphere, carbon dioxide,chemical cycles, ecosystem, enzymes, evolution, fossil fuels, Gaia, global warming, greenhouse effect, homeostasis, methane, meteor, molecules,natural selection, niche, nitrogen, nitrogen cycle, nucleic acids, oxygen, ozone, phosphorus, photosynthesis, pollution, proteins,recycling, respiration, sulfur
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Guide) / 2007 / (Secondary, College) / 38 minutes
More than 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water. Use this DVD to impress upon your students the importance of the seven seas to people, the marine food chain, and the planet as a whole. Topics include the various kinds of currents and the forces that influence them, tides and waves (what they are, what causes them, and how they're classified), features of the seabed, and the formation and shaping of coastlines. A basic explanation of how oceans have been affected by human activity is also provided.
Why does the sun rise in the east? Why does the moon change shape? How do tides happen? This program explains in detail how the Earth and the Moon move with respect to each other and the Sun, why we have day and night and different time zones. Why we have four seasons every year, two tides and the different phases of the moon. This program will enhance student understanding of key concepts that are effectively demonstrated through clear graphics and animation.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
If Earth's entire history could be compressed into a single year, modern humans would've appeared just 23 minutes ago! Use this DVD to introduce your students to the concept of geological time (also called deep time); relative age dating of rock via the principles of stratigraphic superposition, original horizontality, and cross -cutting; absolute age dating by radioactive decay; the chemical elements, heavy and light, that make up the planet; and Earth's three main layers: crust, mantle, and core.
Knowledge of the physics and chemistry of the planet's "bones" is essential to a complete understanding of Earth science. Ranging from the Mohs scale and specific gravity to silicates, carbonates, and halides, this video delves deeply into the composition, properties, and classification of rocks and minerals. An element of forensic-type analysis is also brought into play, since any stony formation represents a portion of the planet's history and local conditions.
An introduction to major science and society issues of the 21st century. Featured are five key issues of global importance today: Population, Natural Resources, Pollution, Genetic Engineering and Growth vs No-growth lifestyles.
Scientists, environmentalists and economists who give their views on these issues include: Bruce Ames, University of California-Berkeley; Richard Burgess, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Bernard Cohen, University of Pittsburgh; Richard Lindzen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Thomas Lovejoy, Smithsonian Institution; Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute; Howard Odum, University of Florida; Jeremy Rifkin, environmental activist; and Julian Simon, University of Maryland.
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Guides) / 2006 / (Secondary, College) / 47 minutes
DVD footage from around the world and updated computer graphics show how chemicals cycle within the biosphere. Emphasized are the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the water cycle, acid rain and how toxic chemicals can affect the biosphere.
What are the factors that determine the ecological footprint of human beings? Using examples from around the globe, this program looks at how the world's resources are consumed by populations at different levels of economic and technological development. What does this mean for the future, considering current trends in the size, distribution and consumption patterns of the global population? The program stresses the importance of ecological sustainability, and prompts students to think about the opportunities and obstacles surrounding the adoption of sustainable practices.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
Climate, Weather & People
This popular two-part program will help you teach the basic science of weather and climate and how this relates to current issues like global warming. Includes the history of how weather instruments were invented, how weather maps were developed and how computer simulations today are leading to new accuracy in weather and climate predictions.
The Changing Earth
Provides a dramatic introduction to modern geology and geography.
Part 1 takes students on a field trip to Scotland, Switzerland, Iceland and North America to
learn of earth history, ice ages and continental plates and how they were discovered.
Part 2 teaches fundamental concepts in earth science.
On Earth Science 1 DVD you can have easy access to keys to scientific literacy that include:
Beginnings of geology and geography, Ptolemy, ages of exploration, age of earth, James Hutton, Louis Aggasiz, continental drift, life begins, photosynthesis, greenhouse effect, life moves to land, mountain-building, tectonic plates, geothermal energy, ice ages, minerals, ores, weather in history, first natural scientists, astrology, Benjamin Franklin, telegraph and weather maps, climatology, atmosphere, sun and earth, earth's tilt, earth's motion, ocean currents, jet streams, albedo, NCAR, global warming, hurricane energy
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Guide) / 2001 / (Secondary, College) / 64 minutes
The Expanding Universe
This two-part program will be an informative and inspiring introduction to modern astronomy.
Part 1. A Brief History of Astronomy. Students will learn of the great change during the Renaissance when pioneers like Galileo and Newton launched the scientific revolution. They will also learn about the modern pioneers who first listened in on the Big Bang.
Part 2. Planets, Stars and Galaxies. Using video from NASA and new photos from the Hubble telescope, students will learn where our earth is in space.
Living in Space
Once upon a time life took a big step forward, moving out of the sea and onto the land. Today humankind is taking an equally big step outwards, living in space. As the Russian space visionary, Constantin Tsiolkovskii said, "The earth is the cradle of the mind, but you cannot live in the cradle forever."
Part 1 presents a brief history fo space exploration to date.
Part 2 is named for teacher-astronaut Christa McAuliffe. Her words, "I touch the future. I teach," provide the keynote for this dramatic leap into the future of space colonies.
On Earth Science 2 DVD you can have easy access to keys to scientific literacy that include:
Stonehenge, Aristotle, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Herschel, Einstein, Hubble, Big Bang, size of universe, age of universe, planets, asteroids, galaxies, radio astronomy, Hubble telescope, Tsiolkovskii, consciousness, balloons, Wright brothers, first rockets, V-2 rockets, Sputnik, space shuttle, man on the moon, Skylab, Christa McAuliffe, space colonies, biotechnology, Sally Ride, L-4 and L-5 sites.
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Guide) / 2001 / (Secondary, College) / 80 minutes
Takes you and your class to the Sahara Desert of North Africa, the Mohave, Colorado and Great Basin deserts of the southwestern United States to learn facts, concepts and values that make these unique ecosystems both dreaded and loved.
The Galapagos Islands
The islands Charles Darwin made famous are still alive and well 150 years after his visit. Take your students on a field trip to this unique ecosystem to learn more about the connections between ecosystems and evolution, and the fight to save endangered species.
A Tropical Rain Forest
Saving the Amazonian rain forest is a high priority today. This program takes your students into a small section of the Amazonian rain forest to learn how this unique ecosytem functions today. Diversity of species, soil impoverishment and interconnectedness are stressed.
On Ecosystems in Action 1 DVD you can have easy access to keys to scientific literacy that include:
Energy flow, producers, consumers, decomposers, symbiosis, mutualism, rainforest value, matter recycling, diversity of species, geology of deserts, energy flow in deserts, life in deserts, plants & photosynthesis, solar energy in deserts, volcanoes and life, ecosystems in the Galapagos, succession, lizards and finches, Darwin, natural selection, boobies, tortoises, mammals.
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Guide) / 2001 / (Secondary, College) / 76 minutes
A New England Pond
Some of the best work in ecology has been done on small fresh water pond ecosystems. This live-action video uses a small New England pond to teach basic concepts in ecosystem science. Food webs are illustrated, the abiotic-producer-consumer-decomposer cycles, problems of acid rain and pond succession are also stressed.
The Great Lakes Ecosystem
The largest chain of fresh water lakes in the world has special ecological problems of its own. This live-action video explains some of the challenges today. Stressed are the sea lamprey, toxic wastes in the lakes, the coming of the zebra mussel and the ruffe fish.
The Web of Life
Explains the concepts used by ecologists today to study ecosystems. Food chains, food webs, cycling of elements, toxic wastes and more.
On Ecosystems in Action 2 DVD you can have easy access to keys to scientific literacy that include:
Pollution from mining, zebra mussels, food chains and eutrophication, chemical pollutants, european ruffe, ecology and ecosystems, energy flow in a small pond, food pyramids, niches, food webs, cycling of matter, succession, acid rain, what is ecology?, energy flow in all ecosystems, producers & consumers, food chains, recycling of matter, environmental problems, biosphere problems.
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Guide) / 2001 / (Secondary, College) / 66 minutes
Energy on Earth
As the third millennium begins, earth relies ever more heavily on fossil fuel energy. This program helps students understand basic laws of energy flow, the importance of energy supplies for industrial civilizations, and the options for the new century. Stresses the importance of research into alternatives, including nuclear power, that do not add to global warming.
Resources on Earth
"A peasant must stand for a long time on a hillside with his mouth open before a roast duck flies in." Chinese proverb. Resources are like that. To those who stand and wait, resources are few. To those who search and work, resources are plentiful. Use this program to help your students understand natural resources.
Ecosystems on Earth
What is the state of earth's ecosystems as the 21st century begins? A primer on ecosystem problems and opportunities with the stress on new efforts to save endangered species, new efforts to avert global warming and new efforts to preserve and restore to health all ecosystems, including agricultural and urban ones.
On Planet Earth 1 DVD you can have easy access to keys to scientific literacy that include:
Energy flow, photosynthesis, industrial revolution, fossil fuels, renewable energy, efficiency, nuclear energy, earth resources, agricultural revolution, resources for the future, what is an ecosystem?, matter recycling, homeostasis, evolution, chemicals in ecosystems, human progress, global warming, species extinction.
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Guide) / 2001 / (Secondary, College) / 58 minutes
Natural Resources
In this two-part program students learn how gold and whale oil were once considered the most important natural resources. They will learn how the state of human technology and organization yesterday, today and tomorrow has a great deal to do with the abundance or scarcity of natural resources. Make sure your students hear and learn all sides of the controversial issues that make the headlines today.
Natural Resources-Scarce or Plentiful?
The USA with less than 5% of the world's population consumes over a third of the planet's natural resources. Is this good or bad? Prominent scientists and environmentalists share their divergent views in this timely program.
On Resources DVD you can have easy access to keys to scientific literacy that include:
Natural resource crises in earlier times, agricultural revolution, industrial revolution, fossil fuel formation, democracy, capitalism, socialism, Thomas Malthus, conservation and manifest destiny, Club of Rome, Global 2000, what is a natural resource, energy resources, role of knowledge, finite world, environmental problems, doomsday or utopia, Jeremy Rifkin, Marion Clawson, Howard Odum, Thomas Lovejoy, Julian Simon, Resources for the Future
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Guide) / 2001 / (Secondary, College) / 71 minutes
A unique blend of poetry and science that sees the wonder of the four primeval elements in new ways. Ways that highlight both science and poetry. A good example of a blend of science and the humanities to encourage creative thinking.
The ecological footprint - this is the mark on the earth left behind by each person based on the amount of resources they have consumed. If the strain we put on natural resources continues at the present rate, the earth will no longer be able to support its inhabitants. This program examines possible solutions and asks the question: is it too late?
Populations on Earth
Is the world overpopulated? Will population continue to explode in the cmning century or will it level off as it did after the agricultural revolution? Students usually hear only one side of this imporant issue. Expert opinions are changing rapidly in the 21st century. This program presents many sides using new year-2000 video footage from China, India, Africa, Europe and the U.S.
Governments on Earth
A survey of the diversity of governments in the year 2000 with special note of the explosive growth of democratic forms and the decline of authoritarian and totalitarian forms of government. Includes new video of progress in Russia, Germany, China and Cambodia and cautious hope for more improvements tomorrow.
Biotechnology on Earth
The 20th century saw the earth dramatically changed by industrial technology. The 21st century will see the earth even more dramatically changed by progress in biotechnology and its handmaiden, nanotechnology. Urge your students to think instead of dogmatize about their future with the help of this comprehensive DVD.
On Planet Earth 2 DVD you can have easy access to keys to scientific literacy that include:
Early humans, agricultural revolution, industrial revolution, optimistic and pessimistic views of population growth, developing countries, environmental connections, species extinction, tribal governments, democracy in early Greece, democracy today, Russia, China, communism today, USA leadership, evolution of life, human biotechnology, cloning, genetic engineering, transgenic animals, DNA and bacteria, critics of biotechnology, nanotechnology.
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Guide) / (Secondary, College) / 58 minutes
Throughout history, minerals have played an important role in the story of human progress. Advancing through the ages of electricity, the Industrial Revolution and the Microelectronics age, modern civilization has been built upon the use of earth's mineral resources. This program surveys the sources and uses of some of the minerals which have become most important to us and looks at efforts to conserve and find suitable substitutes for these indispensable, non-renewable, natural resources. Includes suggestions for careers in this field of study.
Terms Covered In This Edition Include:
Catalytic Converter, Conductor, Copper, Crust, Fiber-Optic Cables, Galvanizer, Geology, Gold, Iron, Mineral Ore, Platinum, Rust, Silicon, Silver