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Healthcare Management & Administrations
The goal of this program is to define HIPAA and provide an overview of its guidelines and requirements. The program provides information to help healthcare workers comply with HIPAA reforms and requirements.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Describe the overall purpose and goals of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Explain the role of the HIPAA Advisory Team, as well as the role of the individual healthcare worker in ensuring compliance with HIPAA reforms
Describe healthcare access, portability and reliability
Describe the five rules of administrative simplification
DVD / 2013 / 13 minutes
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The goal of this program is to define HIPAA and provide a detailed overview of the Privacy Rule and its implications for healthcare workers.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Describe the Privacy Rule that exists within the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Describe the rule that requires that patients be give written notice of an institution's privacy rules and practices
Explain patient's rights regarding the privacy of their medical and personal information
Describe of key exceptions to the Privacy Rule
Describe the most common violations of the Privacy Rule and the consequences for healthcare workers.
DVD / 2013 / 14 minutes
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This course provides a detailed overview of the Security Rule and its implications for healthcare workers. This course provides guidance on how to maintain administrative, physical and technical safeguards when you are dealing with private patient information in any format.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Describe the overall purpose and goals of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Explain the difference between administrative, physical and technical safeguards
Explain the role of the privacy officer in a healthcare institution
Describe the various actions and precautions to take to ensure security of patient information in an electronic format
DVD / 2013 / 12 minutes
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This program demonstrates and describes the techniques used to accurately measure temperature, pulse and respiration in a patient. Measurement of temperature is demonstrated using a variety of thermometers emphasizing the use of electronic, aural (tympanic), and temporal thermometers. Techniques and sites used for measuring the pulse are shown and assessment of the rate, depth, rhythm and quality of respiration is demonstrated.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Identify the indications for measuring temperature
Demonstrate techniques for measuring oral, axillary, and rectal temperature
Define pulse
Locate five sites on the body to palpate the pulse
Demonstrate assessment of both radial and apical pulse
Demonstrate assessment of respiration
DVD / 2013 / 22 minutes
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This program demonstrates and describes the techniques used to accurately measure blood pressure and assess pain.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Explain the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure
Define the blood pressure ranges for each of the four blood pressure classifications
Demonstrate the steps in measuring blood pressure at the brachial artery
Identify 5 characteristics of pain
Identify tools used to assess pain
DVD / 2013 / 18 minutes
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Because needlestick injuries are the most common way for healthcare workers to acquire bloodborne infections - such as HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis B - knowing how to protect against needlestick injuries is crucial for medical assistants working with needles and other sharps in the healthcare environment.
This course is designed to raise awareness about the importance of preventing needlestick injuries. It provides an overview of government regulations, a detailed look at safety devices and techniques and guidance for preventing a needlestick injury.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Identify viruses and other infections that can be spread through needlestick injuries
Describe efforts that have been made to prevent needlestick injuries and increase safety for medical assistants and other healthcare workers
Identify the criteria that safer needle devices should meet
Identify the various types of safer needle devices and how they are used
Describe the measures that must be taken to prevent needlestick injuries
DVD / 2013 / 16 minutes
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This program focuses on identifying potential sources of violence and conditions that can predisposes to violence to reduce the risk of assault and empower the learner to be prepared.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Identify the three primary sources of violence in healthcare
List OSHA's three categories of risk for violence in healthcare
Describe conditions in the healthcare environment that can be potential reasons for aggressive behavior
Identify patient conditions that may predispose to violence
DVD / 2013 / Approx. 17 minutes
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This program demonstrates and describes the "four R's" of dealing with violence through recognizing the signals, resolving conflicts, responding quickly and reporting and documenting after an event.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Recognizing the signals for escalating agitation and assaultive behavior or criminal intent
Resolving conflicts by appropriately interacting with a hostile individual
Responding quickly if the situation is out of your control
Describe proper reporting and documenting after an event
DVD / 2013 / Approx. 16 minutes
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The focus of healthcare treatment, person-centred care, is moving away from using an institutionalised approach, to creating a treatment plan in consultation with the service user. In this excellent interview based program, healthcare professionals discuss new healthcare delivery methods centred on care and support planning done in conjunction with service users. Lifestyle goals, the nature of care, medication and exercise programs are examined and professionals discuss the most inclusive ways that they can be achieved. This is an essential program for all health care works involved in the areas of patient service delivery.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
DVD / 2012 / 13 minutes
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The 'Convention on the Human Rights of Children', which asserts the fundamental right of children to be free from discrimination and disadvantage, is the single most ratified human rights treaty in history. Yet to this day there are still many factors that pose a risk to the health of the world's young. This program examines the most prominent of these risks: early pregnancy and childbirth, HIV/AIDs, malnutrition, mental illness, smoking, alcohol, and violence. The information in this program is supported by insight from experts in each field, and delivered with a non-alarmist approach that focuses on the facts.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
DVD / 2011 / 22 minutes
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Everyone agrees it's important to be healthy. That's why so many of the decisions we make in our daily life are about good health. Our ability to be healthy is determined by many different factors. In this program we explore the "determinants of health" or "influences on health" through practical examples over different life stages in today's society. We explain how health can be determined by a range of individual, social, cultural, environmental and lifestyle factors that are dynamic and interrelated. We conclude by highlighting education and awareness as the greatest influences on our health and the decisions we make.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
DVD / 2010 / 18 minutes
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In Australia, we're well educated about health risks yet our government spends millions each year treating preventable diseases. This program provides a detailed overview of health promotion in today's society. The Ottawa Charter Framework for health promotion is explored as a contributing factor to improved health outcomes for various groups in Australia. Each chapter provides a unique perspective of how to improve the health of individuals, as well as preventative measures such as immunisation and cancer screening. The program's practical approach looks at how the strategies are implemented, the target audience and the impact it has in individual behaviour and outcomes.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
DVD / 2010 / 25 minutes
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Continued activity is crucial to maintaining basic functioning. Ideally performed upon admission, the Hospital Admission Risk Profile (HARP) assessment can help caregivers to recognize older adults who may be at risk for functional loss so they can provide appropriate interventions to reduce basic ADL decline during hospitalization. The DVD outlines the importance of movement to patient recovery, provides strategies to keep patients active, and explains the age, cognitive, and functional parameters that help to determine risk.
DVD / 2009 / 43 minutes
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This news documentary reports on a surprising solution to escalating costs, unnecessary deaths and waste in America's hospitals. Doctors and nurses tell how they did their best, working overtime, while hospital conditions worsened. They were delighted to learn a new way to improve patient care dramatically and reduce unnecessary deaths, suffering, errors, infections and costs without additional resources or government regulations. A patient is not an automobile, but¡K The unlikely solution was to use Toyota management principles called "systems thinking" to improve their hospitals. Systems thinking allows leaders and staff to see the complex, modern workplace with "new eyes" and turn problems into improvements. It has saved up to 50 percent in costs, thousands of lives, and avoided hundreds of thousands of medical errors. Significant improvements have already begun in hospitals in several major cities.
DVD / 2006 / 56 minutes
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This program is an excellent resource for hospitals to use in volunteer orientation. It shows the variety of volunteer opportunities and what the expectations and responsibilities of volunteers are in health care. A great program to start off volunteer training leaving volunteers feeling like their time will make a difference and have an impact.
DVD / 2006 / 14 minutes
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Featuring: Robert Pearl, MD
Program Highlights:
How to bring the delivery of medical care into the 21st Century.
What to do about the 40 or 50 million Americans who are uninsured.
The "best practice" of rewarding prevention, rather than treatment, to thwart disease.
Robert Pearl believes that we can significantly lower the costs and raise the quality of America's health care, but he knows the solutions won't come easily. While individual health practitioners are doing their best, the overall delivery system is broken. Within a legislative and economic climate that hinders reform, health care continues to follow the 19th century practices of a cottage industry, rather than capitalizing on advances in information technology that could encourage integrated, collaborative care. The answer requires leadership, commitment, and a shared vision for the future. Dr. Pearl's goal is a health care system that provides every patient with the same kind of care that each of us would want for our family, our friends-and ourselves.
Robert Pearl is CEO of the largest medical group in the nation. He has published over 100 articles in medical journals, and has served as visiting professor at Stanford Business School, Duke University School of Medicine and Harvard School of Public Health. He received his MD from Yale University School of Medicine.
DVD / 2003 / 53 minutes
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Pacific Light was meticulously shot on film over 14 months to capture the most beautiful waves in slow-motion, in the most spectacular places along the west coast of the United States. R. Carlos Nakai is the world's premier Native American cedar flute player today. This Healing Music Relaxation DVD combines his Grammy nominated, "Inner Voices" CD with the Freddie Award winning cinematography of Thomas Day Oates Jr., to produce, as Alternative Medicine Magazine called it, "¡Ka breathtakingly beautiful video." Pacific Light has proven time and again to be very effective in replacing the acute fears and anxieties that often accompany patients' suffering from strokes, cancer, heart disease, late night chronic pain, terminal agitation, extended stays in the I.C.U. and posttraumatic stress disorder with the experience of Healing-Peace. All who experience it are moved, some to tears. This DVD has a "loop" button for continuous broadcast. -Music and images only, no voice overs or text.
"Incorporating music from "Inner Voices" a Grammy- Nominated CD by R. Carlos Nakai, a master of the Native American cedar flute, Oates created a breathtakingly beautiful DVD called Pacific Light." - Randy Peyser, Alternative Medicine Magazine
"Other similar videos are available on the market; however, Pacific Light is unique. It is one of the most beautiful and potentially healing video's I have seen." - M. J. Ott, MN, MA, RN, CS, Nurse Practitioner, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
"My patients use it late at night and when they are in pain. It really does lessen their pain." - P.C., Oncology Therapist, Tacoma General Hospital
DVD / 2000 / 33 minutes
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There is no getting around it, we are in a new era of HIPAA-HITECH enforcement! The HITECH-mandated Office for Civil Rights (OCR) audits are intimidating, nerve wracking and just plain stressful. Because knowledge is power this new conference will help you prepare for an audit that is inevitable. Attorney James M. Barclay returns with an insightful look at the OCH HIPAA audit process. This Program covers,
Reasons for self audits.
Sources that generate an audit.
How to form an Audit Team and who should be on it.
Examine categories of an audit.
What the audit team will look for.
Steps to conduct an audit.
Documentation Requirements.
Review Process of an OCR Audit.
Walk through of a just one portion of an actual OCR Audit.
DVD / 35 minutes
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A comprehensive security risk assessment is an important and necessary strategy for health care organizations to identify gaps in their privacy and security environments.
While risk assessments alone do not directly mitigate data breaches, risk exposure decreases significantly when an organization knows exactly where protected health information (PHI) resides and how it is handled.
We will cover reasons for a HIPAA Risk Assessment
Exploration of HITECH HIPAA
Leverage real world examples of Covered Entities mistakes and what it cost them.
DVD / 38 minutes
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E. Clarke Ross; Bruce Davidson, MSW, CEAP; Rhonda Robinson-Beale, MD; Margo Edmunds, PhD; Ron Manderscheid, PhD
This roundtable discussion features leading managed healthcare experts discussing the new set of quality guidelines and measures for behavioral healthcare.
DVD / 60 minutes
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This continuing education activity has been developed a basic resource for HIPAA Covered Entity personnel such as HIPAA privacy and security officers, privacy contacts, risk managers, counsel, information management and information technology personnel, compliance officers and leadership at all levels interested in establishing a foundation for further in-depth study of HIPAA Privacy, Security and Security Breach rules.
DVD / 20 minutes
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Dean G. Smith, PhD; Larry P. Schwartz
Developing and governing organizations; addressing issues on structuring insurance plans and marketing plans to promote to the public; staffing and administrative issues.
DVD / 60 minutes
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Margaret Mulligan, MH Magazine, et al
Challenges and insights into the formation and growth of integrated healthcare delivery systems.
DVD / 150 minutes
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Sharon Farley, RN, PhD; Ida R. George; Sheryl L. Threadgill
This program will cover the philosophical framework for successful professional-volunteer partnership, defining volunteer roles and different types of volunteer organization.
DVD / 90 minutes
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Sharon Farley, MD; Ida Rush George; Sheryl Treadgill
Program will cover perceived need, context of coalition, geographic boundries, stakeholder/membership, agenda, vision/mission, and organization structure.
DVD / 90 minutes
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Debbie Faulk; Sharon Farley, RN, PhD
The Program will cover the need for school based community health centers and the philosophical focus of SBCHC's as a means of making care accessible.
DVD / 90 minutes
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Scott Roman (Attorney at Law); David S. Wanger, CEO; Donald E. Cole, MD (VP)
Forming Integrated Delivery Systems; Garnering Support for Integrated Delivery Systems; Using Integrated Delivery Systems for Proprietary Managed Care Products
DVD / 60 minutes
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Kenneth R. Cohen; Johnathan Peck, MA; Judith K. Jones, MD, PhD; Eleanor M. Vogt, RPh, PhD
This panel of forward thinkers will examine healthcare in a whole new way - defining relationships in what seems to be a chaotic sea of independently managed treatment components. This program will provide understanding of the concepts of management, disease management, and integrated health data management systems.
DVD / 120 minutes
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