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Reading is a process. These programs work progressively through the process giving children the skills they need to succeed. Basic steps include recognizing the sounds of the vowels (Phonics 1a Vowel Sounds) and consonants (Phonics 1b Consonant Sounds), then learning to form words by sounding out the letters in the words and blending individual sounds to form words (Phonics 2a Intermediate Level). Music and fun interactive games engage children while they get a jump start on the reading and spelling.
Reading is a process. These programs work progressively through the process giving children the skills they need to succeed. Basic steps include recognizing the sounds of the vowels (Phonics 1a Vowel Sounds) and consonants (Phonics 1b Consonant Sounds), then learning to form words by sounding out the letters in the words and blending individual sounds to form words (Phonics 2a Intermediate Level). Music and fun interactive games engage children while they get a jump start on the reading and spelling.
Reading is a process. These programs work progressively through the process giving children the skills they need to succeed. Basic steps include recognizing the sounds of the vowels (Phonics 1a Vowel Sounds) and consonants (Phonics 1b Consonant Sounds), then learning to form words by sounding out the letters in the words and blending individual sounds to form words (Phonics 2a Intermediate Level). Music and fun interactive games engage children while they get a jump start on the reading and spelling.
Reading is a process. These programs work progressively through the process giving children the skills they need to succeed. Basic steps include recognizing the sounds of the vowels (Phonics 1a Vowel Sounds) and consonants (Phonics 1b Consonant Sounds), then learning to form words by sounding out the letters in the words and blending individual sounds to form words (Phonics 2a Intermediate Level). Music and fun interactive games engage children while they get a jump start on the reading and spelling.
Based on the standards for third grade language arts, these fine programs can immensely benefit students of that age, as well as older students still struggling to read. The programs teach word families and patterns, syllables, antonyms and synonyms, homophones and homographs, classifying and sorting, reading comprehension, and more. Engaging and fun, children will love learning and teachers will love the results.
Based on the standards for third grade language arts, these fine programs can immensely benefit students of that age, as well as older students still struggling to read. The programs teach word families and patterns, syllables, antonyms and synonyms, homophones and homographs, classifying and sorting, reading comprehension, and more. Engaging and fun, children will love learning and teachers will love the results.
Spanish 1a/Ingles 1a With Phonics is a unique research based educational program disguised as a set of thoroughly enjoyable games and activities. It is a bilingual program that teaches Spanish to English speaking students and Ingles to Spanish speaking students. The focus of this program is not how many words you can memorize, but on the process of learning new words through knowing the letter sounds and patterns. Rich in pictures, sounds and animated illustrations, Spanish with Phonics is sure to be the best way to begin to learn the beautiful language of Spanish or Ingles.
Three exciting activities in KidPhonics 1 provide the auditory experiences that help pre-readers learn to read. Children progress from hearing sounds in words to sounding out and reading over 200 words. As kids learn to use words in context, they build vocabulary skills and discover homonyms. Clever sing-along songs and nursery rhymes make the experience fun and engaging.
Part one of a complete reading program, combines video, sound and animation to engage students in a reading adventure. Keywords, consonant sounds, simple blends.
Fifteen activities systematically teach students how to form words phonetically and then use those words in sentences and stories. A reinforcement game is provided at the completion of each skill.
Fifteen activities systematically teach students how to form words phonetically and then use those words in sentences and stories. A reinforcement game is provided at the completion of each skill.
Fifteen activities systematically teach students how to form words phonetically and then use those words in sentences and stories. A reinforcement game is provided at the completion of each skill.
Fifteen activities systematically teach students how to form words phonetically and then use those words in sentences and stories. A reinforcement game is provided at the completion of each skill.
Build critical reading and writing skills with multi-level word puzzles, animated storybooks and reading comprehension games. This action-packed adventure in Wordville offers more than 100 dynamic lessons that reinforce reading basics while introducing advanced concepts such as rhyming, superlatives, compound words and writing.
Children can't get too much phonics practice! This program teaches and reviews critical phonics skills such as short and long vowels, blends, combination sounds, and much more.
Join Mickey on a quest as the Sorcerer's Apprentice to uncover the magic of phonics fun! Children will learn about: letter sounds and recognition, vowel sounds, consonant blends, vowel digraphs, syllable recognition, word building, spelling, multiple pronunciations, reading comprehension, rhymes, and more.
This program helps guide students toward reading fluency using an internationally known and researched seven step phonics model. Through fun and entertaining activities, students move through a natural progression of phonics awareness, skills, and knowledge. Friendly, animated characters introduce students to lively, engaging activities that reinforce letters, sounds, and phonemes.
There's no better companion on the road to reading readiness than trusted learning pal, Reader Rabbit. Expertly designed for eager pre-readers, this delightful program gently guides young learners through 26 exciting LetterLands and a dynamic Word Factory. Every stimulating environment is alive with lovable characters and irresistible activities that build key skills such as alphabet awareness and phonics, while nurturing all-important early reading confidence. Plus, an all-new second CD delivers twice the excitement, for doubly effective skill-boosting play.
You could start a session with a movie scene, then go back and work technique from earlier in the series. Right before you play a program, go to the blackboard and quickly outline the main ideas, just to reinforce what's coming. Discuss key phrases, like: feeling, vibration, sensation, stretch, stage 1, 2, and 3. Offer advice like, "Work at your own pace. Just grab as much as you can . . ." During faster-moving scenes (especially from DVDs 4 and 5) each student should just do as much of the scene as he can do . . . completely, with energy. Even one vowel, or one consonant, or one connecting link executed correctly marks progress.
The Preparation area of this program offers some natural warm-ups for relaxation and breathing. Professional speakers and performers are aware of how valuable these methods are. You will be too, if you do even a very quick physical warm-up before starting. A little yawning, stretching, and shaking does more to put you in shape for speech than you would ever think it does. The vowels e, a, and y are your tonal anchors. They are the most strongly vibrating sounds in this system. They begin as vibration in the vocal chords, but become greatly enriched as you learn to focus the sound waves on the hard palate, and more particularly on the gum ridge behind your front teeth. When you can regularly produce E, A, and Y as strongly vibrating tonal vowels, it is the single biggest contribution you can make to improving every aspect of your speech . . . For being understood clearly: distinguishing between long and short vowels (like date and debt) . . . For clearly producing the second stage of 2-stage vowels: I (6Y) OI (3Y) . . . For providing added resonance to all vibrating vowels and consonants. And last but not least, for infusing good sound quality and control into all your speech, keeping it anchored in good tonality, at a low register (a lower pitch range) which opens the higher pitch range for intonation and making your speech more expressive. Mastering E, A, and Y will take you a long way.
This program covers the Structural Vowels, the vowels that have a shape or structure that you see and feel. In this system they are assigned a number corresponding to the size of their lip shape. #5--AH is one of the largest, #1--OO is the smallest, so a #51 is AH/OO or OW. #21 is OH, #3--AW is the midway position, #4 is O as in "odd", #6 is A as in "add", #6Y is I, #3Y is OI. Giving good lip shapes to these vowels not only provides good pronunciation, but helps create a voice box or megaphone behind the lips. This is how actors project their voices to the back row of a theatre, without shouting, with no apparent effort. And good Structural Action will enable your voice to "carry" effortlessly in a public speaking environment . . . Or when you want to be heard over the background noise on a busy street, or in a noisy restaurant. In an increasingly noisy world, being able to project your voice is a real advantage. All these major vowels, both tonal and structural, are color-coded in yellow.
The short, grunt-like neutral vowels we call Neutral-1, 2, 3, and 4: N1-oo, N2-ih, N3-eh, N4-uh, are often interchangeable. The important thing is to keep them very short, treat them very different from the major vowels. On this program you will learn that one way to do this is to focus vocal energy on the surrounding consonants. Play the consonants on either side of the neutral vowel and treat the vowel like it is the shortest distance between two consonants. Another technique, and this is specifically for foreign or regional accent reduction, is to color one neutral vowel with another. For example, pronouncing "took" as "tuck" and "tuck" as "took" resists the tendency to slip into speaking a larger vowel. And that leaves the less troublesome Neutral Diphthongs: ND1-oor, ND2-ear, ND3-air, ND4-our.
The consonants are color-coded in green or red. Green are the legato, sustainable, or continuant consonants-green for GO, continue the sound. Red are the staccato, plosive consonants-red for STOP, feel the drumbeat. They are studied in voiced and unvoiced pairs, like Z/S, D/T. Consonants are wonderful things-and they are generally underplayed by speakers who don't realize their great musical values. In the consonant lessons we practice the full musical values followed by a repetition using the consonants to convey meaning. Following each video lesson you can select More Practice Material which uses the same structure of a list of operative words, followed by those words in sentences, all repeated in 2 or 3 stages of vocal energy.
These "tongue-twisting" monologues are meant to be fast moving. Grasp what you can, as you get familiar with the linked phrases, and eventually master these. If you can grasp only one phrase, or even one vowel or one consonant-that's progress! With practice you'll pick up more and more, and when you can go through an entire scene with all the vowels, consonants, linking, and intonation in proper play, you will have accomplished a very demanding exercise. Don't feel bad about taking this step by step. It is important that you feel the focus of your points of vibration. As you get to know the scene try to stay "in synch" with the speaker and "mirror" the form and feeling of the speaker. There is some fun in discovering the rhythms of longer dialogues as you master the linked phrases, and a sense of accomplishment in being able to repeat these articulate and fluent.
Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Instruction introduces the foundations for literacy development and explains how certain skills are essential to learning a second language.