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School, sports, work, social obligations-you have a lot to do. In order to get it all done you need energy, but preparing optimal meals is time-consuming. So where do you get the energy to keep up with your busy schedule-without resorting to fast/junk food? This program answers that question with five practical tips for healthy eating in a fast-paced lifestyle: plan ahead, don't skip breakfast, learn to read food labels quickly, snack smart, and eat out wisely. Expert commentary is provided by a registered dietitian, a healthy living coordinator, and a health officer-and pop quizzes reinforce the learning.
"I think when you are born a woman in Afghanistan," says Kabul native Noorjahan Akbar, "you are taught every day to hate yourself." But, as this film illustrates, Akbar is in no danger of falling into that self-hatred trap. The youthful activist counsels victims of misogynist brutality and has helped establish Young Women for Change, an organization dedicated to improving the lives and human rights of Afghan women. The documentary also features a profile of Trudi-Ann Tierney, an Australian producer who creates shows for Kabul's Tolo TV network. Tierney's difficulties in promoting a progressive image of women, and even in ensuring the safety of female performers, echo the ongoing hurdles Afghanistan faces as a torn and violent nation.
In Afghanistan, an old tradition allows families without a son to transform one of their daughters into a boy. These little girls, known as bacha posh, spend their early years dressed as boys and are accorded all the privileges and responsibilities of being male-but after puberty, they must revert to the female roles into which they were born. This program follows four girls who temporarily became the sons their parents longed for. Shabina has recently become bacha posh to help her disabled father and seems to be taking it all in stride. For Mariam and Naid, it's time to change back, but both are desperate to hang on to their male identities. Lastly we meet Jack, a bacha posh who refused to change back and who now heads for Europe. What new discoveries will the freedoms of the West invite?
Note: Only available in the US, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan and South Africa.
From the Bintang boulevards of Bali's most popular beaches to the spiritual heartland of Ubud in the island's high country, there's a growing resistance to rampant development and tourism at any cost. Young Balinese are angry about the cultural and environmental impact of millions of international visitors and the staggering hotel and commercial construction that's gobbling up their island. So they're mobilizing. This program looks at the groundswell of sentiment that wants to steer Bali away from being a playground filled with raucous bars and clubs and a colossal receptacle for the garbage and detritus that millions of tourists generate. Spotlighting a wide range of sociopolitical strategies, the film introduces viewers to an unlikely coalition of surfers, rockers, activists, and royalty who are saying, "Enough is enough-give us back our Bali!"
Why did Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier and his team of researchers purposely engineer a lethal, airborne bird flu virus? That's the first of many questions raised in this timely, eye-opening investigation. Why did Fouchier, in an uncanny parallel with American scientists who conducted similar experiments, decide to publish his findings and openly share his working methods? Can the deadly microbes he produced be contained securely, or are they vulnerable to bioterrorists? Interviewed in the film, Fouchier and a respected American virologist, Dr. Vincent Racaniello of Columbia University, defend the controversial research while Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer Laurie Garret and other experts highlight the tremendous risks it poses.
What happens when college students are allowed to be completely honest about their learning environment? When they're empowered to speak their minds about their professors, peers, tuition bills, and prospects for landing jobs in their fields? Answer: a revealing portrait, drawn from inside the world of the 21st-century campus, that will benefit parents, high school students, guidance counselors, and young people who are just beginning the college experience. In this documentary, students talk about the ups and downs of higher education and the costs of obtaining it at community colleges, state universities, and private institutions. Topics include diversity, the proliferation of digital tools and distractions, the rise of prescription medication abuse, gaining or lacking a clear sense of purpose in college, and the likelihood-or lack thereof-of finding fulfilling work after graduating. In addition, professors and business leaders discuss what they'd like to see in today's college students and job candidates.
Starting out as an English teacher and small-scale website builder, Jack Ma became China's first Internet entrepreneur, gradually assembling the Alibaba Group-a digital empire that faced off against eBay and won. This award-winning independent film was created by an American who worked in Ma's company for several years. It draws on a vast archive of footage shot between 1995 and 2009, presenting a candid portrait of the visionary businessman and documenting Alibaba's journey from scrappy startup to stratospheric success. The result is an astonishingly relevant chronicle, told from the standpoint of an American fly on a Chinese wall, so to speak-an eyewitness account of the strategies Alibaba put in place during the period in which China's economy began to rival that of the U.S.
If you want a quick, brutal lesson on Europe's debt crisis, just ask an Irish property developer. Better yet, take a stroll along the banks of Dublin's Liffey River, where new office buildings and prime waterfront real estate have plummeted in value. Meanwhile, unemployment soars across the nation, especially among Ireland's young people. How did it happen, and did Ireland get a raw deal in comparison with other European Union countries also facing debt crises? This program assesses the Irish government's acumen in taking on private sector bank debt and becoming liable for billions of euros owed to bondholders. Was it fair that Ireland agreed to do so when holders of Greek government debt have been asked to take losses? As one Irish protest organizer puts it, the deal is "extortion" at the hands of "the financial bullyboys of Europe," and it must be renegotiated.
Through a combination of social media hoopla and supercharged conventional coverage, the 2012 London Olympics-as well as the elaborate preparations for them-became a public sensation. But in the shadow of the Games, on the streets of a city bending over backward to host them, there seemed to be more eyeballs rolling than eyeballs drawn in by marketing campaigns. This program reports on the mood prevailing among a disenchanted cross-section of Londoners during the months leading up to the "Grumpylimpics," as some observers dubbed the long-anticipated but quietly begrudged event. From a community footballer irked at the loss of local playing fields to a respected British writer lamenting an urban landscape "enclosed in razor wire," the range of sentiment sheds light on a frequent disconnect between large-scale public relations and everyday, inconvenient realities.
Nationalist, populist, and xenophobic movements are becoming significant political forces across Europe, with some gaining enough support to win parliamentary seats. This investigation traverses the continent and goes into the heart of extreme right-wing organizations for a frightening look into what can happen when fear, ignorance, and racism intersect. Viewers are taken to a German village dominated by nostalgia for the Third Reich, and to Hungary, where tattooed thugs conduct terrifying "patrols" of Roma areas. In France, the Bloc Identitaire exploits modern technology to spread a message of hate and fear, while across the channel, the English Defense League draws crowds of unruly supporters-all seemingly oblivious to the irony that they have become the type of fundamentalists they stand against.
Note: Only available in the US, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan and South Africa.
With much of Europe mired in the financial quicksand of a sovereign debt crisis, Germany's domestic economy, especially that of Bavaria, tells a different story-in which businesses thrive, exports rise, and unemployment hits a 20-year low. What made it all possible? Well, the Germans have a word for it: Mittelstand. That's the most succinct way to describe the German secret to success, a business model epitomized by modest family enterprises yet one that offers inspiration to corporate giants like Audi. This lighthearted program explores the meaning of Mittelstand, explaining why Germans remain allergic to debt, committed to hard work, and intent on continuing prosperity beyond one or two generations. If only other European countries could take a page out of the Mittelstand handbook! Unfortunately it's all German to them.
This course introduces web designers to the nuts and bolts of HTML (HyperText Markup Language), the programming language used to create web pages. Author Bill Weinman explains what HTML is, how it's structured, and presents the major tags and features of the language. Discover how to format text and lists, add images and flow text around them, link to other pages and sites, embed audio and video, and create HTML forms. Additional tutorials cover the new elements in HTML5, the latest version of HTML, and prepare you to start working with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
In this course, photographer and author Ben Long explores the art and the craft of creating beautiful, archival-quality inkjet prints. The course looks at the anatomy of a print job: how a printer works, how to adjust and prepare your image to get the best results, and what happens to your photo in its journey from pixels to paper.
After a discussion of how to choose a printer, the course covers the process of preparing both black and white and color images using Adobe Photoshop. Ben describes how to take images from looking good onscreen to being properly adjusted for best results on paper, covering details such as sizing, sharpening, and color management.
With photographer and master framer Konrad Eek, Ben explores the creative decisions that photographers should address before printing. What size print? How does print size relate to the message of the photo and to the space where the photo will be displayed? What kinds of paper choices do you have, and how does your photo's content relate to the paper you choose?
The course also describes how to properly evaluate a print and how to handle common challenges that crop up during the printing process.
The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Serge Haroche and another physicist "for groundbreaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems." Inside the Light focuses on the spectacular achievements in quantum physics of Dr. Haroche as well as the University of Sussex's Wolfgang Lange and others as it introduces viewers to the interaction of light and matter at the smallest possible scale. A lyrical portrait of the quantum world that addresses the creation and destruction of photons, quantum jumps, entanglement, quantum information-processing, and more in a way that will appeal both to novices and the knowledgeable.
Start communicating ideas and diagramming data in a more interactive way. In this course, author Barton Poulson shows how to read, map, and illustrate data with Processing, an open-source drawing and development environment. On top of a solid introduction to Processing itself, this course investigates methods for obtaining and preparing data, designing for data visualization, and building an interactive experience out of a design. When your visualization is complete, explore the options for sharing your work, whether uploading it to specialized websites, embedding the visualizations in your own web pages, or even creating a desktop or Android app for your work.
While parent-child bonding is obviously crucial early on, the ability to interact with peers is perhaps the greatest skill a young person can learn in the years following kindergarten. This program delves into the complex, rapidly evolving social lives of a group of seven-year-olds who have been part of a longitudinal study conducted since they were born. Does Anastasia have all the fun and the advantages by being an extrovert, or is there a downside to her intensity? Is quintuplet Ben really shy, or just introverted? If so, what's the difference? And despite the hardships in his life, what role will Wyatt's empathy play in his future? The significance of traditional male and female roles in social groups is also explored as viewers revisit Shine, whose parents challenge gender stereotypes.
Easygoing at age seven doesn't always translate into easygoing at 27-in the course of two decades, a laid-back kid may change into an aggressive or attention-starved adult. But temperament does offer a window into the development of coping skills. Focusing on 11 children as they cross the seven-year threshold, this program shows how each subject's inherent temperament shapes his or her ability to deal with the pressures of the schoolyard, family breakdowns, and other hurdles. How will perfectionist Haleema cope when a mischievous accomplice destroys her artwork? Is the rubber band of resilience being stretched too far for carefree Daniel, as conflict between his parents threatens the stability of his world? How is it that temperamental Jara'na seems to have the command of the group, and why is Declan able to reign in his difficult disposition at school, but not at home?
New drivers, older drivers, passengers and pedestrians alike, we are all precious cargo. The stakes are high at any age when you get behind the wheel. From children in car seats to elderly motorists, this one-hour documentary offers a comprehensive look at safe driving habits from generation to generation.
Matting and framing is relatively simple, and doing it yourself costs less and is more rewarding than using a framing service. In this course, photographer and professional framer Konrad Eek describes the tools, techniques, and creative decisions involved in matting, framing, and hanging photographs.
The course begins with an overview of framing concepts, terms, and tools and then shows how to choose and work with the various components of a framed print: matboard, frame, glazing, wire hangers, and more. The course also examines the issues and creative options behind hanging an exhibit, whether in a gallery or in a home.
Spreading out beneath the suburbs of Dallas, the underground deposit known as the Barnett Shale promises vast oil and gas riches. This program follows the efforts of Texas developers as they stampede for a piece of the action, even as local residents and environmental activists raise major objections. To liberate the bounty below calls for fracking-a controversial process in which huge quantities of water and chemicals are injected underground, shattering rock and releasing gas and oil. The film also examines other states where fracking is taking place, such as North Dakota, where farmer Jacki Schilke insists that frackers "are here to rape this land." Viewers are given a wide-ranging look at the pros and cons of what is touted as a major step toward America's independence from foreign oil.
The conventions are over; now it's time for some thinking outside the box. In this edition of Moyers & Company, Bill talks with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who's been an independent in Congress for 21 years-longer than anyone in American history. Sanders talks about jobs, the state of the economy, health care, and the unprecedented impact of big money on the major political parties. Bill also talks to Green Party presidential and vice presidential candidates Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala about what they've learned about American politics. Stein represented the Green-Rainbow Party in Massachusetts races in 2004 and 2006, while Honkala became the first woman ever to run for sheriff of Philadelphia in 2011.
In this edition of Moyers & Company, James Balog-one of the world's premier nature photographers-explains how "Earth is having a fever." At tremendous risk to his own safety, Balog has been documenting the erosion of glaciers in Switzerland, Greenland, Iceland, and Alaska. He joins Bill to share his photos and discoveries, describing his process and transformation from climate change skeptic to true believer. Balog's film, Chasing Ice, is a breathtaking account of climate change in action.
Few understand the ways money moves in and out of our political system better than campaign finance reform advocate Trevor Potter. A former chairman of the Federal Election Commission and founding president of the Campaign Legal Center, Potter was Stephen Colbert's chief adviser when Colbert formed his own super PAC and 501(c)(4) in a clever effort to expose the potential for chicanery behind each. In this edition of Moyers & Company, Bill and Potter discuss how American elections are bought and sold, who covers the cost, and how the rest of us pay the price. Also included is an essay on the bags of money that campaigns drop on consultants and TV ads to affect and distort your point of view.
By 2050, Hispanics are projected to number 132 million and represent 30 percent of the U.S. population. And as that population evolves, so does their political power; since 2008, America's Latino voting population has grown 22 percent. In this edition of Moyers & Company, Bill goes beyond the numbers with two of our nation's most popular and influential journalists: Univision's Jorge Ramos and Maria Elena Salinas. In a candid and comprehensive discussion, Ramos and Salinas discuss their responsibilities both as reporters and representatives of their culture, their aggressive journalistic approaches to both President Obama and Governor Romney, and their strong takes on immigration issues that mean so much to a potentially decisive voting bloc in 2012. Also included is an essay on a young soldier killed in Afghanistan and the Republican congressman he inspired to ask, "Why are we killing kids that don't need to die?"
Weeks before Paul Ryan was selected to run for vice president, Sister Simone Campbell-who heads NETWORK, a Catholic social justice lobby-hit the road to protest the so-called "Ryan budget" recently passed by the House of Representatives. She and some of her sister nuns rolled across the heartland on a bus trip designed to arouse public concern over what the Ryan plan would mean for social services in America, especially its slashing of programs for the poor. Sister Simone says that Ryan's budget is inconsistent with Catholic teachings, and although the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops agrees, other Catholics say the NETWORK nuns have crossed the line. Robert Royal, editor-in-chief of The Catholic Thing and founder of the Faith & Reason Institute, believes that issues of economic inequality are being oversimplified. On this episode of Moyers & Company, Sister Simone and Robert Royal join Bill Moyers for a passionate, candid discussion about faith and politics. Also included is a field report from producers who rode along on the Nuns on the Bus tour.
Because of partisan gridlock in D.C., the Supreme Court has become the most powerful and outspoken branch of government; decisions they make shape our democracy's fate for generations to come. Now, one has only to look at Bush v. Gore, Citizens United, and the Affordable Care Act rulings to understand why some call it a "one-percent Court"-dedicated by majority rule to preserving the power and influence of a minority of wealthy special interests. In this edition of Moyers & Company, The Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel and Jamie Raskin, constitutional law professor and Maryland state senator, join Bill to discuss how the uncontested power of the Supreme Court is changing our elections, our country, and our lives. Also on the show, Bill talks with Craig Unger, author of Boss Rove: Inside Karl Rove's Secret Kingdom of Power, about Rove's behind-the-scenes efforts to once again affect the outcome of a presidential election.
Note: Only available in the US and Canada.
When Ralph Reed, the former head of the Christian Coalition, was discovered to have raked in millions of dollars from the super-lobbyist-and eventually convicted felon-Jack Abramoff, he wound up in political purgatory. Then, outraged by the election of Barack Obama, Reed returned to start the Faith and Freedom Coalition with the aim of ousting President Obama from the White House. To succeed, though, Reed needs to win the allegiance of many of the trusting Christian followers he duped and double-crossed while working with Abramoff. This edition of Moyers & Company tracks Reed's rise, fall, and return. Also on the show, Bill talks with Mike Lofgren, a long-time Republican who says the rise of politicized religious fundamentalism transformed his party and created a de facto religious test for the presidency.
This edition of Moyers & Company is an unprecedented in-depth report on the most influential corporate-funded political force most of us have never heard of: ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council. A national consortium of state politicians and powerful corporations, ALEC presents itself as a "nonpartisan public-private partnership." But behind that mantra lies a vast network of corporate lobbying and political action aimed to increase corporate profits at public expense. Also on the show is Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center and founder of FactCheck.org, who talks about deception and truth in the 2012 presidential campaign.
The goal of this program is to define and discuss the Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goals for 2013, including the problems and concerns that have led to its implementation. The program provides a detailed review of the various patient safety goals that have been identified for implementation, plus the Elements of Performance that will be required to meet these goals.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Identify the concerns and problems that led to development of the Joint Commission's NPSG.
Describe the patient safety goals for acute settings.
Identify and implement the key Elements of Performance developed to accomplish the patient safety goals.
The goal of this program is to define and discuss the Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goals for 2013, including the problems and concerns that have led to its implementation. The program provides a detailed review of the various patient safety goals for long term care that have been identified for implementation, plus the Elements of Performance that will be required to meet these goals.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Identify the concerns and problems that led to development of the Joint Commission's NPSG.
Describe the patient safety goals long term care settings.
Identify and implement the key Elements of Performance developed to accomplish the patient safety goals.
The third part of the popular and comprehensive series Photoshop CS6 One-on-One follows industry pro Deke McClelland as he plunges into the inner workings of Adobe Photoshop. He shows how to adjust your color, interface, and performance settings to get the best out of your images and the most out of Photoshop, and explores the power of Smart Objects, Shadows/Highlights, and Curves for making subtle, nondestructive adjustments. The course dives into Camera Raw to experiment with the editing toolset there, and returns to Photoshop to discuss toning, blur, and blend modes. Deke also teaches tried-and-true methods for sharpening details and reducing noise, as well as creating quick and accurate selections with Quick Mask, Color Range, and Refine Edge commands.
ilmed in the U.S. and Canada, this documentary puts a human face on the new reality of living with HIV by introducing viewers to four very open, very dynamic individuals who are either HIV-infected or "HIV-affected": Austin Head, 27, a well-known DJ, entertainer, and musician; Chris Brooks, 24, a YouTube video blogger; Jesse Brown, 25, who is grappling with the decision of when to begin taking antiretroviral medication; and Rakiya Larkin, 18, who, in helping her HIV+ mom, has had to grow up very fast. Over the course of the program, the four discuss the challenges of living and loving with HIV, while medical and psychological experts provide facts and historical context to show that although HIV is still incurable, it can, with effort, be managed. "We need to teach people that this is a disease, not a curse," says Head in an interview in San Diego Gay & Lesbian News.
"This is a very important documentary, this isn't over and it's affecting our youth." - Whoopi Goldberg, The View
"Uncensored personal stories that will forever change your idea of what it means to be HIV+" -Jeff Lewis, ION Magazine
Film Out San Diego Film Festival Audience Award: Best Documentary
Scene CNKY Film Festival Jury Award: Best Short Documentaryv
This program discusses ways you can exhibit professionalism while caring for patients. It focuses on improving communications with patients and colleagues and how to improve professionalism through personal development.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Describe elements of teamwork including providing assistance to and cooperating with colleagues and accepting and soliciting constructive criticism
Define and explain the need for "cultural competence" when providing patient care
Describe strategies for conflict resolution
List five strategies for achieving professional growth and advancement
This program will discuss the elements of professionalism focusing on personal behavior, attitude and professional attire and how these approaches and behaviors can ensure you are a responsible, accountable and self-directed member of the nursing profession.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
List characteristics of professional behavior
Describe the importance of maintaining confidentiality
Give examples of legal and professional standards of behavior
Describe how responses to everyday situations affect the care you give and your professional relationships
Describe steps to take to present a professional image
Striking mostly girls under the age of 18 months, Rett syndrome is one of the most debilitating and frightening disorders on the autism spectrum. Its symptoms include seizures, recurrent infections, developmental delay, and absent to minimal speech. Its victims usually live into adulthood and require round-the-clock care. But increased attention to Rett has intensified research efforts as well as a greater sense of community and support among those affected by the disorder. This program focuses on families coping with Rett's daily realities-the constant stress of caregiving, the emotional impact on parents, and the perspectives on health and happiness that emerge when one realizes what a Rett patient must go through. The film also follows the work of scientists searching for the genetic key to a Rett cure. Interview subjects include Monica Coenraads, Executive Director of the Rett Syndrome Research Trust; Dr. Adrian Bird of the University of Edinburgh's Centre for Cell Biology; and Dr. Huda Zoghbi of Baylor College of Medicine.
In this course, author Christopher Matthew Spencer shares his techniques for effective sales. Because a sale starts with finely honed communication skills, the course begins with communication and listening skills, and then explores the application of sales traits in everyday life-an ideal primer for making deals in business settings.
This course also covers the basics of connecting with prospective clients, making convincing presentations, understanding and maximizing the sales cycle, measuring sales abilities, and practicing sales skills in role-playing scenarios.
Returning home to find her two children and her Japanese-born husband gone, Regan Haight soon discovered that Japanese law and custom were heavily stacked against her. But Haight's isn't the only case in which the Japanese legal system is on the side of a kidnapper spouse. Australian Chayne Inaba has long battled for access to his daughter, to no avail. Craig Morrey first saw his daughter fleetingly in a courtroom when she was six months old. And Alex Kahney was forced to return to Britain, leaving behind two little girls abducted by their Japanese mother. Japan has long resisted signing an international agreement laying out the rules for these cases, and although Japanese leaders have signaled that their position could change, the so-called left-behind parents still struggle to keep their hopes alive. This program investigates heartbreaking examples of mothers and fathers trapped in a Kafkaesque hell, unable to see their children and stymied by an unfathomable legal labyrinth.
Chronicles the ten-year journey of the Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT) from its inception to first light. The program looks inside each stage of the production process, revealing the immense amount of time and precision taken to craft key pieces of the telescope including the primary and secondary mirrors, yoke, and instrument cube. The creation of the DCT allows Lowell Observatory to remain at the cutting edge of astronomy, capturing sharp images of such cosmic wonders as faint objects in the Kuiper belt and tiny galaxies.
Sexual harassment is a serious problem in the United States, and federal and state agencies have responded with strict statutes designed to eliminate it. In California, state law requires that employers with more than 50 employees provide 2 hours of training on sexual harassment to all supervisors and managers. This course is designed to address that need.
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
Define sexual harassment, including the specific types of harassment.
Describe how sexual harassment is defined in both federal and California state laws.
Describe the legislative history and specific details of federal sexual harassment law.
Explain the federal government's stance on corporate and personal liability for sexual harassment.
Describe the legislative history and specific details of California sexual harassment law.
Identify when and why California legislative bill AB 1825 was implemented.
Identify the steps that individuals can take to confront, document, and report sexual harassment.
Describe the policies and standards that corporations and their supervisory employees must adhere to in identifying, investigating, and resolving sexual harassment complaints.
Explain the California requirements for sexual harassment training of supervisory employees.
List the minimum sexual harassment prevention training steps mandated by AB 1825.
Describe the consequence of failure to adequately train employees in identifying and dealing effectively with sexual harassment.
In this two-section program-updated and a full hour long!-licensed massage therapist Richard Sager presents a step-by-step tutorial on how to give a Swedish massage. Demonstrating on a draped male client, he begins by clearly explaining four styles of strokes: effleurage (sliding), petrissage (kneading), friction (cross fiber), and tapotement (rhythmic tapping). Sager also advises on draping methods, on ways to rest the hands, and on oil and lotion use. In the video's second section Sager performs a full, uninterrupted Swedish massage. With detailed instruction, tips, and recommendations, this video is perfect for bodywork students or for anyone interested in massage techniques.
Note: Only available in the US, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan and South Africa.
For decades, experts have been warning about the growing resistance to antibiotics. Could a rarely-discussed alternative hold the answer to the crisis? Phage therapy-the use of viruses which attack and destroy certain bacteria without harming their human hosts-has been around for longer than antibiotics. But it was forgotten in much of Europe once antibiotics became the standard treatment, and it is still not generally accepted there. However, partly due to their historical isolation from antibiotics research, Russian scientists have pioneered new developments in phage therapy. To illustrate the potential of phage treatments, this film follows the case of Henri Lemaitre, whose leg became infected with resistant bacteria during a hospital stay. Contains images of wounds and infections that may disturb some viewers.
Note: Only available in the US, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan and South Africa.
How do we communicate to leaders both the threats beyond ecological thresholds and the short-term solutions for realistic integration into working agendas? This 2011 Falling Walls lecture video highlights the work of Alejandro Litovsky, an expert on collaborative governance and sustainability innovation and founder of the Earth Security Initiative-a think tank that combines the knowledge and resources from business, environmental science, investment, and politics in order to increase opportunities for cross-sector coordination to address the challenges of ecological limits. His work seeks to establish a security value for resources and ecosystems, which can be translated into action through cross-sector partnerships. To illustrate the need for greater coordination across disciplines, Litovsky blends atmospheric physics with risk analysis and draws on live music performance, while exploring unions between society, science, politics, investment, and business in the context of the planet's ecological crisis. Musical accompaniment by Anders Scherp.
Follows Robin Williams and a team of medical experts as they take a scientific look at the true effects of drugs on the body. The program profiles four of the most most widely used drugs in America: heroin, cocaine, meth, and marijuana. Witness what happens as drug addicts are faced with a variety of physical and mental challenges.
In a philosophy-for-children session, a teacher uses a story, picture, news item, or piece of music to stimulate critical thinking and imagination. Children are encouraged to express themselves, to challenge what is being said, and to ask questions that intrigue them. This program explores the concept and supporting methodology of P4C at Gallions Primary School in East London, where such sessions have had a strikingly positive impact on children's intellectual, emotional, and social development. "It's changed the way I teach, it's changed the way the children are, it's changed the way the school is run. I think we owe it to the children to run philosophical enquiry," says Lisa Naylor, an advanced skills teacher at Gallions.
Note: Only available in the US, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia and Japan.
Household management is a skill everyone should learn. Knowledge of such things as home organization, house cleaning, laundry, and chores are essential for a happy home life, but it can be daunting when you are first starting out.
This video will take you thru real world examples to help drive home organizational and interpersonal skills and ideas in an easy to understand format that will help you bring outstanding care to your clients.
This program will help the health care professional who regularly visits client's homes and helps in daily living activities. This program will demonstrate things such as home safety checks, establishing relationships with the family and client, and basic meal prep and safety.
China is making Olympic-sized bounds on and off the planet. From world-class stadiums to manned space programs, the scientific and engineering achievements featured in this episode are out of this world.
National Olympic Stadiums - At the center of Beijing, the National Olympic Stadium and National Swimming Center was the architectural yin and yang of the 2008 Olympic site.
Manned Space - The amazing achievements of the Chinese space program continue to grow.
Terra Cotta Warriors - Emperor Qin's Terra Cotta Warriors are one of China's biggest tourist attractions and one of the world's most prized archeological discoveries.
Also in this episode: the construction of the record-breaking eight-kilometer-long Sutong Bridge crossing the Yangtze River, increasing the endangered panda population with a little passion, and the physics of Ping Pong.
It's time for a royal tour as Stillwell and Ingram check out China's Summer Palace. Highlights also include a look at Beijing's National Swimming Center and Peking Man. The National Swimming Center was inspired by the geometry of water bubbles.
Summer Palace - Engineers are taking a decidedly antiquated approach to restoring the Summer Palace.
Peking Man - The Origin of Man is the hottest topic of debate in modern paleoanthropology.
Also in this episode: how bronze bells are made using ancient methods; Chinese herbal medicine; and discovering and training young athletes.
You can't control the weather or workday morning traffic snarls ¡V or can you? From Zhangxiao, Stillwell and Ingram look at the ways Chinese engineers are masterminding the seemingly impossible.
Traffic Management - Dominated by cars trying to navigate crowded roadways not designed for such heavy volume.
Monitoring Sandstorms - Four years ago, immense clouds of dust particles from the western deserts of China and Outer Mongolia were large enough to be easily tracked across the Pacific Ocean by orbiting satellites.
The Bells of Marquis Yi - The extraordinary Bronze Chimes of Marquis Yi are one of the most astonishing archaeological discoveries in recent times.
Also in this episode: from silkworm to factory floor to the fashion catwalk, see how silk is made; experience the science of Tai Chi; and see the sustainable eco-village of Huangbaiyu.
Featuring the glittering lights of Shanghai at night, this Daily Planet Goes to China episode is full of ships, a sinking city, the Shenzhou 6 space mission, and panda rehab."
Shipbuilding - Shipbuilding and shipping are booming in China, and the country is poised to become the world's top shipbuilding powerhouse within a decade.
Sinking Shanghai - Forget Venice. Shanghai, a city of 20 million people, is sinking.
Panda Release - Last year, 163 giant pandas were raised in captivity and more than half of them lived at the China's Wolong Nature Reserve.
Yeren - North America has Bigfoot; in the Himalayas, it's the Yeti. Follow the hunt for Yeren, China's mysterious mountain Wildman.
Shenzhou 6 - Return to space with a look at the Shenzhou 6 mission and the exhaustive training the astronauts underwent for that mission.
Pack your bags for another look at the week's best stories in the one-hour special China: Rise of the Golden Dragon. Join Daily Planet hosts Jay Ingram and Natasha Stillwell for more science and discovery from the world's most populous nation.
This one-hour special highlights additional footage from Beijing's National Swimming Center, shipbuilding, the super fast Shanghai racetrack, China's manned space program, traffic management in Beijing's bustling city center, Sutong Bridge, and the auto-car.
It's time to tour China's most popular city ¡V Shanghai. Stillwell and Ingram look at how the old and new mingle to make this city stand out.
Shanghai Racetrack - Put the pedal to the metal, Shanghai-style! See how three racecar drivers take their Formula Renault-class cars out on the brand new Shanghai International Circuit.
Shanghai Architecture - Shanghai is renowned for its stunning collection of old buildings.
Controlling the Weather - There's a severe drought in Northern China, and it is expected to get worse. See what Chinese scientists are doing to help their nation cope.
Also in this episode: driverless autos; rescue robots that can snake through earthquake and crash site disasters; how tea is harvested and processed; and Ma Qingyun, China's most innovative architect.
Watch master family therapist Monica McGoldrick, MSW, create a genogram on the spot in this live session with a client struggling to understand why he is distancing from his wife.
This is a rare opportunity to watch the therapist who developed and popularized genograms demonstrate how to actually create and utilize them in a therapy session. In this video, you will see Monica McGoldrick in action as she masterfully conducts an initial interview with a new client, demonstrating the step-by-step process of gathering historical information, creating the genogram, and contextualizing the client's presenting problem within a multigenerational family systems framework.
John is a 39-year-old African-American graphic designer who is having marital problems. Mystified and distressed by his pattern of distancing from his wife who is six months pregnant, he desperately wants to understand why he is pulling away. McGoldrick's focused interest in John's family story gently guides him in a thorough investigation of the social and historical context of his current struggles. With McGoldrick as an ally, John makes fascinating discoveries as he uncovers surprising coincidences, poignant tragedies and inspiring sources of resilience.
Watching McGoldrick engage a client in exploring the connection between his presenting problem and his family-of-origin issues is a treat in and of itself, but a bonus feature of this video is following McGoldrick's step-by-step creation of John's genogram on the spot. It makes for a compelling and highly educational experience.
By watching this video, you will learn how to:
Utilize the genogram to place clients' presenting problems in a historical and social context
Respond when a client resists exploring family issues
Explain to clients why exploring family background is relevant
DVD (With Instructor's Manual, English subtitles) / 113 minutes
In these live sessions, master psychodramatist Tobi Klein, MSW, teaches the core principles and techniques of psychodrama.
Ready to bring more vitality into your sessions? Psychodrama offers a wide array of action-oriented techniques that help clients get out of their heads and into their bodies, moving beyond what is possible in traditional talk therapy. This video offers a thorough introduction to the key concepts and methodology of psychodrama, and will prove useful not only for those who facilitate actual psychodramas, but also for more traditional therapists seeking tools and techniques to engage clients in new ways.
Calling on teachings from psychodrama's founder, J.L. Moreno, master psychodramatist Tobi Klein offers an enriching learning experience by directing three live psychodramas while simultaneously teaching viewers the how-to's. Her demonstrations and explanations highlight how compelling, cathartic, and effective this approach can be.
By watching this video, you will:
Learn how to direct psychodramas that allow clients to have corrective emotional experiences and see their conflicts in a new light
Understand the three stages and five personae core to Klein's approach
Identify several key psychodrama techniques, such as doubling and role-reversal
DVD (With Instructor's Manual, English subtitles) / Approx. 80 minutes
This set of DVDs highlights and accompanies the different theoretical approaches featured in Jon Winek's Systemic Family Therapy . The set contains seven DVDs, each of which contains a full demonstration of a family therapy interview. The DVDs open with an introduction to the approach and to the therapist, followed by a role play session and commentary from the therapist. The therapist discusses what issues were presented in the session and their conceptualization of the presenting problem. The therapeutic models covered include the following:
Behavioral Family Therapy
Brief Family Therapy
Emotionally Focused Family Therapy
Experiential Family Therapy
Strategic/Medical Family Therapy
Constructivist Family Therapy
Structural/Strategic Family Therapy