Some advertisers, as well as misguided health/fitness professionals make extreme claims about how many kcal can be expended in a workout. These contentions have major implications for individuals who are trying to lose or maintain their body weight, as well as for people who are striving to meet the 2008 U.S. Physical Activity Guideline's volume of physical activity goal associated with achieving specific health outcomes. "I Expended 1000 kcal"-Really? provides a resource for health/fitness professionals who want to be better able to evaluate such claims and to communicate that information to individuals with whom they are working.
Among the topics covered:
How O2 uptake is converted to energy expenditure
How is VO2max linked to energy expenditure during exercise?
Intensity continuum
How do you troubleshoot claims?
Is the energy cost of walking and running a mile the same?
Exercise prescription for cardiorespiratory fitness
By Amanda Vogel, Michael R. Bracko, Heather Chambliss, Laura J. Kruskall, Paul Sorace
Featuring a panel of industry-renowned professionals, Reality of Extreme Weight Loss Programs: A Panel Discussion presents an overview of how television shows, particularly reality shows, tend to portray fitness and weight loss. Each member of the panel offers their unique ideas, insights and perspectives with regard to reality TV showcasing working out and losing weight and keeping it off.
Among the topics covered:
What the research says
What makes TV shows about fitness & weight loss inspiring?
Should any trainer with a certification be able to train obese clients?
Losing weight & keeping it off
How working out is portrayed on reality TV
What's our responsibility in the fitness industry?
The Role of Protein in Contemporary Weight Management provides an overview of recent evidence regarding the role of dietary protein in weight management. The DVD details current research specific to the efforts of increased protein consumption in weight loss, body composition, and satiety. The DVD also discusses practical approaches for weight management.
Among the topics covered:
Fact or fiction: there is an optimal ratio of macronutrients
Protein recommendations
Essential amino acids
Misconceptions about dietary protein and health
Protein can favorably modulate response to aerobic exercise and changes in energy balance
Protein improves glycemic control
Protein intake in the United States
Practical application of concept: achieving optimal protein intakes
Leptin: If It Does Not Work in Obese Humans, What Is Its Role in Energy Regulation? explores the involvement of leptin in energy regulation. Initially, the DVD looks at the traditional viewpoint of leptin providing negative adiposity-related feedback in a homeostatic model of energy regulation, and then details the various limitations of such a perspective. The DVD also offers a new point of view regarding the actions of leptin-that it serves as a mediator of sympathetic restraint with regard to the upper limit of an individual's body mass.
Fitness Professionals' Guide to Sports Nutrition and Weight Management is an indispensable text that gives fitness professionals essential advice and information on how to help their clients make better nutrition choices that effectively support an active lifestyle. Dr. Kruskall offers a wide variety of useful tips and practical guidance to fitness professionals, such as how to provide their clients with nutritional advice while staying within their scope of practice. This DVD package will serve as a valuable resource for health and fitness professionals who want to share scientifically sound, yet easy-to-understand and practical, nutrition information with their clients.
The ever-increasing pace of life for people of all ages means it is critical to plan for healthy eating accordingly.
In this program, teenager Jesse takes us through a dramatised story of how, once again, his mother has to work back and puts him on a mission of preparing the dinner for that night, with the usual parting instruction: "ˇK.a 'healthy' dinner, JesseˇK." Jesse, by his own admission, is just not one hundred per cent sure about what real healthy food is but he's willing to find out. In following his story, the program covers areas including the function of food; understanding nutrients; today's fast-paced society; designing menus; and different menus. We also hear from two professional dieticians, Melanie McGrice and Ingrid Hilton. In an engaging and thorough way, this program covers important areas about healthy and nutritious menu planning.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
Accurate measurement and monitoring of weight and height provide important indicators about a patient's overall health. This program demonstrates proper techniques for measuring weight and height with the most commonly used scales. Medcom's Nursing Assistant program on measuring weight and height has been revised to be more concise and easier to understand by clearly identifying each of the three stages of a procedure: preparation, the procedure itself, and completing care. In addition, this program has been updated to demonstrate the performance of nursing assistant skills as described by the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP).
Numerous weight-loss products and supplements are currently available on the market that claim to burn fat effortlessly, thereby melting unwanted pounds away. Weight-Loss Wizardry: Can You Believe the Magic? examines the claims and scientific support of many of these weight-loss supplements. Featuring a breakout session at the 2009 ACSM Health & Fitness Summit, the DVD provides basic information on the efficacy and safety of these products.
Among topics covered:
Components of a Sound Weight-Loss Program
Claims and Efficacy of Some Popular Diet Plans
So Many Diets, So Many ProductsˇKWhat Works?
Claims, Efficacy, and Safety of Some Popular Weight-Loss Supplements
Strategies for Permanent Weight Loss provides a detailed overview of the three basic mechanisms affecting weight loss and gain-genetics, energy expenditure, and energy intake. The complex interaction between these three factors is discussed in an easy-to-understand format that is designed to help personal trainers to be better able to communicate this important lifestyle information to their clients. The DVD reviews the relative value of different exercise workouts based on their total caloric expenditure.
All the latest info. on trans fat, saturated fat and the different kinds of unsaturated fat. Explains why it's important to eat more foods containing omega 3 fatty acids and fewer with the omega 6's. Shows how to use the food label to make heart-healthy choices.
ACE's Guide to Exercise and Weight Control addresses the current issues regarding nutrition, exercise, and weight control and discusses many of the more popularly held weight-control myths and misconceptions. Covers basic nutrition facts, high protein diets, evaluation of diet and nutrition advice, exercise and weight management myths, the importance of strength training in weight management, identifying the best calorie-burning exercise devices, the afterburn effect of exercise, exercise and appetite control, adherence and weight control, hypertrophic versus hyperplastic obesity, the factors that determine ideal body weight, and much, much more.
Weight Loss: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why Diets Don't Work reviews the shortcomings of dieting and presents a detailed discussion of how to lose weight successfully and safely. This DVD also examines some of the more commonly held fitness-related myths and misconceptions.
Among the topics covered:
The dangers of rapid weight loss
How to lose weight and still eat
Counting caloriesˇKis it really necessary
How to determine if you are too fat
The importance of exercise to help you lose weight
This program presents two hospital based programs that help kids lose weight and keep the pounds off - and help set realistic goals based on good health over appearance. Problems with weight cause children to be less active and can lead to social withdrawal, low self-esteem, and depression. The consequences are disturbing; type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, sleep problems, osteoarthritis, infertility and cancer.
'Say No To Diets' is the third video in our series on adolescent nutrition. Like "Going Vegetarian' and 'Smart Fast Food', it's fast paced quirky style grabs the student's attention on what is an important serious subject, especially for girls.
The program:
discourages inappropriate weight loss attempts like skipping meals and fad diets
introduces the concept of body mass index and how to calculate it in an interactive and enjoyable activity
encourages a creative approach to exercise. It is relevant both to the Food Technology and PDH and PE curriculum's.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
This program profiles four young people who have had eating disorders. Through the experiences of these young men and women, the causes and symptoms of eating disorders are presented, as well as a look at up-to-date treatment methods and prevention. The program highlights how this illness is not just about food, but about struggling with loss of emotional control. Russell Marx, M.D., Clinical Director of the Eating Disorders Program at the Medical Center at Princeton, and Marcia Herrin, EdD, MPH, RD at the Dartmouth College Health Service, show what's being done to prevent and treat these diseases, which are among the deadliest forms of mental illness.
"Simply and dramatically, this video describes the dangers fo eating disorders and the importance of getting help. In this presentation, three young women and one young man describe what it is like to be a victim of an eating disorder. This will be a helpful resource for administrators, health teachers, nurses, and school counselors to sue with teenagers." - Pat Bender, The Shipley School, Bryn Mawr, PA
This program examines the role of exercise, dieting, and other weight control strategies in attaining optimal health while skewering fad diets and risky or useless products, which only serve to undermine healthy weight management. Psychosocial factors that distort views on what constitutes a healthy look and weight are also considered, as young adults explore the dynamics of body image and the issues involved in eating disorders.
Educates consumers regarding most popular weight management myths; skipping meals and fasting are the best ways to lose weight; exercise really doesn't make any difference; potatoes and bread make you fat; cellulite can be "cured" with expensive creams or treatments; "all calories are created equal"; there is a magic food that melts away fat.
Susan M. Gallagher, RN, MSN, CNS; Blanca Crandall; Patricia S. Choban, MD; Rosaline Parson, RN, BSN, CEN, CCRN
Discuss ways to improve in physical, emotional, and social needs of obese patients; Why patients are reluctant to accept care and how that impacts skin and wound care in the hospital setting; Describe four common, predictable and preventable skin and wound complications, care suggestions; Understand the value of using appropriate equipment; Recognize the safety risks standard hospital equipment may pose for the obese patient.
The benefits of physical fitness-including better overall health, protection from illness, improved mental health and a longer lifespan-are too important for teens to ignore. But many teens don't understand exactly what "getting fit" really means or just how to improve their own level of fitness, or think that working out is just for athletes. This fast-paced program introduces teens to the core elements of fitness: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition. Expert trainers teach detailed plans that every teen can use to boost each of these elements of fitness, plus tips for fitting an exercise plan into their busy lifestyles. By following two real teens as they embark on personalized get-in-shape plans, viewers learn how to develop an individualized routine that's right for them. Overall, not only will students learn how to get fit, they'll understand that fitness can-and should-be fun
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Teacher's Resource Book) / (Grades 7-College) / 20 minutes
Targeted to young people, this DVD offers an easy-to-understand approach to weight management using proper nutrition and appropriate exercise. Program explores why young people are so prone to eating high-fat diets, and why they too often shun regular exercise. DVD exposes popular weight-reduction frauds such as wrapping the body in plastic, reducing creams and fad diets, and offers advice for healthy eating habits that students can use throughout their lives.
Bronze Plaque Award - columbus International Film & Video Festival
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Teacher's Resource Book) / (Grades 7-College) / 28 minutes
This edition includes the 2005 Dietary Guidelines, the Food Guide Pyramid, and how to read food labels. It will encourage people who have struggled to lose weight but have been unable to keep it off. The video stresses lifestyle change and helps viewers increase their awareness of behavior patterns, emotional aspects of eating and pitfalls. It explains that exercise is a key part of both weight loss and weight maintenance