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Steve and Paul Garrison negotiate a large contract to provide services to Paul's company. Steve wants to provide a cost effective service based outside Australia but Paul disagrees. Steve acknowledges the concerns but nearly loses the deal when Serena is brought into the equation, and an angry Paul comes back to confront them. Steve finally reassures Paul the Australian deal will proceed.
Whatever career path you choose, the foundation of the relationship with your employer will be a workplace agreement. There are a range of aspects to consider when negotiating a workplace agreement, such as wages, hours, holidays and working conditions. While the specific details will change depending on the industry, and the kind of work you do, there are number of regulations that underpin all agreements in Australian workplaces. Join us as we outline what a workplace agreement is, how to negotiate a workplace agreement, using representation during negotiation, and how agreements are enforced in the workplace.
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Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
What is your biggest source of power in any negotiation?
How to redraw the boundaries of a negotiation in your favor.
How focusing on the upside improves your deal.
It's better to receive the first offer than to give it. Honesty is the best negotiating policy. Don't ever let them see you sweat. Professor Neale cheerfully debunks these common beliefs as she shares the results of empirical research on negotiating strategies and the process of "mutual influence" that drives negotiation. In fact, making the first offer can set the bar high-to your advantage. Being honest about your bottom line can backfire. And emotions can play a powerful role in negotiations.
Before you begin, be clear about your goal. Is it to get as much value out of a deal as possible? To develop a relationship and create value for both parties? Or simply to win-a dangerous goal! In any case, you need to determine three things: your bottom line, your optimistic target, and your alternatives if the deal fails. Try to figure out the same of your negotiating counterpart. The more prepared you are, the more flexibility you have in negotiating strategies. In the end, don't settle for just any deal. Work to get a good deal-or it's no deal.
This DVD covers persuading, influencing and negotiating skills comprehensively enough to be used on training courses covering just one of these core skills, or on a more general communication skills course. It will equip any employee with the skills needed to get the best possible result out of any situation, and can be applied inside and outside of the workplace.
Scripted by a subject expert and trainer, this innovative training DVD is comprised of short clips which allow the trainer complete flexibility and control to intervene at any point and jump around to relevant scenes. Scenes demonstrate good practice and bad practice and cover the following areas:
Businesses need to negotiate more effectively with suppliers, not just on price. Pshchologist Eve Ash reminds us to be factual, clear, fast and persistent and avoid common mistakes. She offers practical tips and five steps to negotiate with new and existing suppliers.
In everyday life, negotiation is an important communication skill. This program explores the fundamentals and intricacies of the negotiation process through a fictional scenario of a high school teacher attempting to organise a training camp for her basketball team with her travel agent.
The program explores the five stages of the negotiation process, including preparation for negotiation, negotiating, bargaining and confirmation.
This program presents a clear and useful lesson on negotiating whilst highlighting that good communication skills are essential to the negotiation process.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
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Learn why more and more negotiations are being conducted by teams, rather than individuals.
With Stephen Kozicki, Australia.
Stephen Kozicki is the bestselling author of 'The Creative Negotiator' and a leading business educator. He studied Advanced Negotiating Skills at Harvard University, Boston, USA.
Stephen Kozicki is Australia's leading specialist in 'breakthrough business strategies'. Stephen is a highly sought after presenter on a range of business development topics.
Areas of specialisation include Negotiating with Style, Strategic Account Management, Effective Presentation Skills and Dealing with Cross-functional Teams.
This program outlines four aspects of the negotiation process, common mistakes, the role of creativity and gender differences.
With Stephen Kozicki, Australia.
Stephen Kozicki is the bestselling author of 'The Creative Negotiator' and a leading business educator. He studied Advanced Negotiating Skills at Harvard University, Boston, USA.
Stephen Kozicki is Australia's leading specialist in 'breakthrough business strategies'. Stephen is a highly sought after presenter on a range of business development topics. Areas of specialisation include Negotiating with Style, Strategic Account Management, Effective Presentation Skills and Dealing with Cross-functional Teams.
This program deals with the new Industrial Relations landscape, and particularly the new WorkChoices legislation introduced in 2006. The impact this new legislation has for employers and employees is discussed during this program, with the case study of the sacked mining worker, and ex sports champion Lorissa Stevens, used as a major example. Advice is presented in the program about how to effectively use aspects of the new legislation in negotiating your working conditions.
Please contact us for primary and secondary schools pricing.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
How to gain credibility-and the most common way to lose it.
As a former federal mediator, Pat Cleary has been involved with just about every kind of negotiation. In this entertaining presentation, he shares gems of wisdom from his nearly 20 years of hands-on dispute resolution. Pat describes common negotiation mistakes that unnecessarily complicate solutions and can prevent you from getting what you want. He then provides practical, effective methods that you can use to sidestep the pitfalls and stay focused on getting the best deal possible. He explains how to test stakeholder commitment on the issues, what you should always take off the table, and when to recognize that "no" doesn't mean "no," and "final" doesn't mean "final."
Why you might knowingly and voluntarily take a bad deal.
Negotiations have two dimensions: the creation of value, and the claiming of that value. Negotiators often focus on the value-claiming side, destroying value-creation opportunities in the process. Professor Neale describes the disastrous outcomes that result when negotiators' antagonism and pride obscure their own best interests. She explains how to focus instead on three critical data points: your reservation price, your aspiration price, and your best alternatives to an agreement. You can get a great deal-or you can walk away. Either way, you win.
Margaret Neale is the Director of the Negotiation and Influence Strategies Executive Program at Stanford. She is known worldwide for her dynamic coaching on both the MBA and executive levels. Dr. Neale is the co-author of three books, including "Negotiating Rationally," and is featured in the award-winning Stanford Video Guide to Negotiating, also available from Kantola Productions.
To prosper in today's increasingly global business environment, you need to understand cultural influences on selling and negotiating. It's up to you to provide the training necessary for success. International Negotiating: Successful Deal-Making in Global Business unveils all the secrets of doing deals effectively with other cultures.
Learn how to make the right business deal with this negotation program.
The true-to-life drama in this negotiation program teaches specific skills that can give you the upper hand in any negotiation, while at the same time maintaining a positive working relationship with the other parties.
Learn about:
Why "anchors" control the range of negotiation, and how to make them work for you, not against you.
Bidding strategies, and the hidden meanings behind bids and offers.
When NOT to make the first offer, and how to make the right offer when you do.
Escalation of commitment, and when you have to be willing to walk away.
Stanford Graduate Business School Professor Margaret Neale narrates, analyzes, and instructs as you get an inside look at the negotiations that decide the fate of Curry Field and the Sluggers. Will Ted and Billy Curry stop their financial losses? Will Al Griggs get the ballpark he needs to field a winning team? Or will real estate developer Barbara Meyers prove too tough?
Based on research into effective negotiation techniques, this drama-based programme features a typical negotiation, taking a two-phase approach: preparation and bargaining. It clearly demonstrates how effective preparation and bargaining will give you the required result, leaving both parties feeling that they have got a good deal.
Each phase is broken down into easily managed modules, providing a framework that you can apply to every negotiation. You can also use it to train your staff to take negotiations from the initial planning stages through to a successful win-win outcome.
How to identify and avoid common negotiating errors.
Shortcuts to better outcomes.
Even though everyone negotiates in daily life as well as in business, it is clear that resources are often left "on the table." Contracts and outcomes are not always in the best interests of the negotiator, and there is no real systematic assessment of the quality of the negotiating behavior. Professor Neale identifies systematic ways to increase the quality of negotiated agreements, including methods of preparation and use of rational assumption, bidding, and decision criteria.
Featuring Dawn French, Neil Flynn and Trevor Phillips.
Wherever two people get together to do a deal, there's the possibility that at least one will end up feeling cheated, angry or resentful, even though both set out believing that they could achieve a mutually beneficial solution.
The programme defines and illustrates the three main stages of a negotiation, using the analogy of the developing relationship between two people. These easy-to-understand and well-demonstrated training points are invaluable for everyone, especially anyone in regular contact with customers and suppliers.
DVD (With Leader's Guide, Workbook) / 1995 / 31 minutes
6 Principles to Negotiate Anything with Ed Brodow takes the fear out of negotiating by teaching participants how to focus on the pressure that the person across the table is feeling.
Ed Brodow takes the fear out of negotiating by teaching participants how to focus on the pressure that the person across the table is feeling. He recommends setting 3 Targets: your Maximum,what you Hope To Get, and your Bottom Line. "Once you are willing to walk away, you have nothing to fear." Ed Brodow's legendary "meatball sandwich" story is just one of many great stories he uses to drive home his training in a highly entertaining way.
Ed's 6 Principles are easy to remember and easy to apply:
Featuring Dr. Roger Fisher, Director of the Harvard Negotiation Project, and co-author of Getting To Yes and Beyond Machiavelli. In this documentary-based program, Dr. Fisher draws on five real-life examples in organizations as diverse as British Alcan--where a hostile labor-management settlement had contributed to work stoppages, wage disputes and walkouts that "left a bad taste in everyone's mouth"--and Boston Public Schools--where, to maintain business' pledge of support, the nation's oldest public school system had to turn around the effects of urban decay, declining student skills and a rising dropout rate. With each example, Fisher builds on Harvard Negotiation Project findings and Conflict Management, Inc.'s experience to reveal, define and illustrate the five essential qualities and behaviors held in common by effective negotiators. Fisher and other CMI professionals guide us through the negotiation process, allowing us to see opposing sides in action. As each case study is developed and negotiating positions, circumstances and partners change, we hear the involved parties describe their own conduct and thinking.
This course is designed to teach participants how to move people forward to a specific business outcome using influence and persuasion. We are constantly challenged every day to influence people on all kinds of matters - this course can show you effective behaviors to accomplish these changes.
Learning Objectives:
To recognize that building relationships is key to influencing others.
To illustrate that influence is not about power, but about tactfully gaining people's support and commitment.
To help participants identify and effectively use the four types of questioning techniques to facilitate negotiations.
To demonstrate how to gain people's support and commitment with the help of five key strategies.
To explain how to transform confronting interactions into collaborative problem-solving conversations.
Negotiation takes place all the time. It plays a vital role in your everyday business and personal life.
Yet, many people view negotiation as an onerous exercise to be tolerated rather than enjoyed. By viewing the video training program "Negotiation for Business Results" you'll develop the skills necessary to help you become a successful negotiator, and at the same time, learn to enjoy the process along the way.
You'll learn:
The fundamental elements of negotiations
How to prepare for nearly any kind of negotiation
How to outline your negotiating goals
How to anticipate what the other side will do and how to react
Negotiations: Solving the Tough Problems will increase not only your comfort level with negotiations but it will also increase your overall effectiveness as a negotiator.
Much has been written about the art and science of negotiation over the years but little has focused on overcoming the tough problems people face during their negotiations. Whatever your industry or product, the concepts in this program, Negotiations: Solving the Tough Problems, will increase not only your comfort level with negotiations but it will also increase your overall effectiveness as a negotiator.
Effective negotiation skills are a rare and very valuable ability to have, learning to overcome the problems most negotiators face will put you a step or two ahead of your competition. Knowing how to handle these sometimes awkward and difficult situations also puts you in a position to build rapport, develop lasting relationships and develop mutual trust with the other party.
By the end of this program, participants will be able to:
Identify some of the toughest problems negotiators face.
Determine specific steps to overcome even the toughest negotiation problems.
Savvy-minded communication and negotiation expert and author Ed Brodow lets you in on a convincing three-step formula for negotiating what you want in a way that's fair to both you and the other party involved. It's called win-win negotiating. In this DVD, Ed explains how to separate people's actual needs from the position of need that they are creating - for honest negotiation. He also explains how to explore options for mutual satisfaction and finally how to create solutions based on areas of agreement.