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Weekly New Release - Business Management
With Doug Conant
The transformative power of a human connection.
Guiding others with a "listen, frame, and advance" mindset.
Why inspiring trust is critical to enduring leadership success.
Early in his career, after nine years with General Foods, Doug Conant was unexpectedly and summarily laid off from his job. It was devastating, he recalls, yet kind words from an outplacement counselor not only got him through it, but helped shaped his approach to leadership success. It's in the moments of saying "just the right thing at just the right time" that leaders can make a positive, constructive impact on others.
To sustain the impact of these touchpoints in an enduring way requires adhering to six guiding principles of leadership that he describes, along with inspiring examples of how this can be done. First, think about where you want to end up in your career, and plan accordingly. Be able to make the hard decisions, but be sensitive to soft issues. Be tough-minded with standards and tender-hearted with people. Make a personal connection to the agendas of others to form an enduring relationship. Stay ever alert to what matters most with your strategy, your people, and your actions. And finally, never stop working at leadership: it's the most important thing you do.
DVD / 2013 / 55 minutes
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Although conflicts can be destructive to businesses and organizations, they can bring about positive impacts if handed properly. This presentation defines conflict, investigates common causes of conflict and compares different conflict management styles. Students will learn skills to resolve conflict and the process of third party intervention.
DVD / 2013 / 26 minutes
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With advancements in technology, it is now beneficial for businesses to operate in an international market. In this presentation, we explore how businesses are operated in different regions around the world. Various cultures are analyzed along with how each impacts business. Aspects of international travel are also examined.
CD-ROM (Win, PowerPoint Presentation (77 slides)) / 2013
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Ethics are important in all types of businesses. This presentation provides the definition of ethics, discusses current ethical issues in today's business world, explains social responsibilities of businesses and provides guidelines for making ethical decisions. Experts from various organizations share real-world experience and provide advice to conduct business ethically.
DVD / 2013 / 35 minutes
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All businesses are exposed to some level of risk, but when a natural disaster strikes they can suddenly face a variety of unexpected and often extraordinary situations. What happens in a matter of seconds can sometimes take years to rebuild. The 2011 earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand and the 2009 bushfires in Victoria, Australia demonstrated how devastating natural disasters can be for small businesses. This investigative-style program explores the human cost for businesses affected by natural disasters, but also many of the logistical aspects, such as assessing property damage, dealing with insurers, monitoring finances, relaunching a business and creating disaster preparation plans.
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DVD / 2013 / 24 minutes
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For any modern organisation, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is fundamental to how they operate. But how do we actually define ICT's and what is the specific role they play in business? Experts with a lifelong understanding of digital technology guide viewers through the ICT environment, the ICT needs and solutions for organisations, monitoring and evaluating ICT's and what the future of ICT's might look like. The program offers a variety of visual metaphors, which help to illuminate the inter-connected world of digital communication and how reliant we've become on technology. This program is an excellent resource for all IT students and professionals interested in ICT in their organisation.
Note : The above titles may have some territorial restrictions. Please feel free to send us an enquiry.
DVD / 2013 / 21 minutes
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With Jeremy Bailenson
Virtual reality is here, it's affordable, and it's changing business practices.
Using virtual reality to influence, persuade and teach.
How to turn today's video gamers into tomorrow's customers.
Children in the U.S. spend twice as much time playing video games as they do reading. Virtual reality is their medium of choice. What does that mean for your business? To reach future employees and customers, organizations can leverage virtual reality in two ways-internally, as a powerful teaching and learning tool, and externally, in marketing and communication practices. Early adopters such as Merrill Lynch, Toyota, LinkedIn and Konica Minolta are already seeing dramatic results in learning simulations, training, and marketing effectiveness.
Professor Bailenson draws on his years of psychology experiments in Stanford's Virtual Human Interaction Lab to demonstrate, in dramatic video footage, the power of virtual reality. In a virtual environment, subjects can be persuaded more easily, adopt new behaviors, and gain awareness and empathy for others. Already in practice is Bank of America's online "Face Retirement" campaign, which uses your picture to show you aging, encouraging young customers to put more money into savings.
DVD / 2013 / 56 minutes
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Skills to effectively communicate with a diverse population are becoming increasingly important in today's society. This presentation provides the definition of diversity, identifies the role of culture, and presents the benefits and challenges of managing diversity. Experts from various organizations provide advice on effectively communicating with racial, ethnic, gender, age and ability diverse populations.
DVD / 2013 / 53 minutes
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By Shelley J. Correll
Why both men and women are prone to gender stereotyping.
How cumulative biases limit women's rise to leadership positions.
Six strategies to reduce or eliminate gender bias.
When we process a lot of information in decision-making, such as evaluating candidates for a position, we unconsciously use cognitive shortcuts, including gender stereotypes, to speed the process. Unfortunately, these stereotypes bias our evaluations and often give men the edge. Drawing from compelling research, Dr. Correll maintains that women are held to higher standards than men, pay a penalty for being mothers, and experience the classic double bind of being viewed as either competent or likable, but not both, limiting their rise in organizations.
We can minimize gender bias by knowingly avoiding stereotypes as shortcuts. Additional strategies include setting clear evaluation criteria before the evaluation process begins and then adhering to them, holding decision makers accountable for their decisions, measuring and reporting our organization's progress in gender fairness, and legitimating women leaders by vouching for their competence.
DVD / 2013 / 55 minutes
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At the very heart of business operations is the production of products or services - the input of raw materials, human resources and capital, and the transformation process that turns input into output. Operations extend also to areas such as transport of raw materials, distribution of products or services, advertising and marketing, finance and management. This program examines operations using four different case study businesses in New Zealand and Australia, and also explores unpacking operations, inputs, the transformation process, outputs and operations, productivity and competitiveness.
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DVD / 2013 / 23 minutes
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With A.G. Lafley, Roger L. Martin
Game-changing choices that trounce the competition.
Why your goal must be winning, not just playing well.
Choosing the right metrics to support your strategy.
Most companies aren't winning today-not because of the economy, rapid change, or rising complexity. It's because they confuse strategy with vision and don't make the critical decisions it takes to win. Using the example of P&G's dramatic turnaround of its Olay skincare line, A.G. Lafley and adviser Roger Martin prescribe a disciplined approach to five strategic choices.
First, define your winning aspiration-that is, choose "what" you want to be the best at (in P&G's case, to be a leading skincare brand). Then, determine "where" you'll play (P&G's mass-market channel to a younger buyer). This opens up your possibilities for being distinctive and helps you choose "how" to win (P&G's unique products). Then tap or develop the capabilities to deliver what your competitors cannot. Lastly, identify the management systems you'll need to maintain your winning position.
DVD / 2013 / 46 mnutes
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With Ed Whitacre
Failures of matrix management and the need for authority with responsibility.
How worrying about a penny (or a million dollars) can kill a successful negotiation.
Working with the unions to get GM back on track.
Growth by acquisition has its place, but at some point you actually have to run your business. CEOs who buy, buy, buy with no real vision or strategy in mind can quickly end up with a big operational mess on their hands. That model is not sustainable, and nonstop deal-making just wears people down. Instead, understand your purpose, keep it simple, stick to your vision and business strategy, and execute the best you can. Anything that gets in the way of this has to go.
In this session, Jon Levin, Stanford University Professor and Economics Department Chair, leads an insightful interview in which Ed Whitacre shares, vividly, leadership lessons learned and the core management principles that catapulted him to 17 years as chairman and CEO of AT&T and, temporarily lured out of retirement, as chairman and CEO of General Motors Co.
DVD / 2013 / 48 minutes
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With Cynthia Montgomery
How Gucci achieved the most dramatic turnaround in fashion history.
The danger of contentment and how success can kill your organization.
Why every single employee-at every level-must know your strategy.
In the past 25 years, thousands of articles have been written about strategy, but virtually none about the leadership vital for doing it well. Strategy has been transformed from an art to a science-but science alone is not enough. Cynthia Montgomery makes the case for bringing people back into the equation. Though you start with ideas, you need leaders to construct a company that brings these ideas to fruition. Leadership is required to define your purpose and form a management model that carries it out.
One exercise Montgomery suggests is to think about death: the death of your business. What would the world be like without it? Would it be the same? If you don't make a difference, nobody will mourn you when you're gone. And if they won't miss you then, how much do they need you now? Knowing what makes you matter to your customers is critical-but even that is not enough. Whatever constitutes strategic advantage today will eventually change. That's why you can't outsource strategy. It takes leadership to watch over an organization, make the hard choices, provide clarity and alignment, and keep everyone fired up and moving ahead together.
DVD / 2013 / 58 minutes
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Failing to plan in business equates to planning to fail. Any business, regardless of size, structure or sector, must have a strong business strategy. Whether an enterprise is in the establishment phase or has been operating for decades, a business strategy is essential to ensure a sound purpose and focus for that enterprise. This program explores various aspects of business strategy through street and expert interviews, features a range of individuals experienced in developing and implementing business strategies. Topics discussed include mission statements, aims and objectives, business culture, measuring success, and growth. This program is an excellent resource for all business students.
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DVD / 2012 / 18 minutes
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Every workplace, no matter how successful, has to deal with difficult situations. But what are the most effective ways of responding to employee issues? This presenter-led program guides audiences through a range of dramatic scenarios, which include personal interviews with key characters, who describe their thoughts and feelings as the story unfolds. This is an ideal resource for any business or manager wanting greater insight into their employees and the various strategies for dealing with difficult situations.
Key Training Points:
Posting inappropriate information on social media websites,
Breaches in confidentiality,
Mistakes being covered up
Downturns in performance
Workplace bullying.
DVD / 2012 / 11 minutes
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Workplaces are fast-paced, challenging and diverse environments that can create conflict and misunderstanding. Successful resolution of problems with colleagues is a vital aspect of good management. This fly-on-the-wall style dramatisation takes viewers through ways to deal with: unreasonable demands placed upon them; individuals who aren't team players; speaking without thinking; and dealing with poor job performance. While an ideal solution isn't always possible, when handled in the right way, they can be negotiated. A perfect resource for managers, staff and anyone interested improving communication skills in the workplace.
DVD / 2012 / 11 minutes
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Starting and operating any business is not simply a case of putting up a sign or registering a website and declaring yourself open for business. In the establishment of any enterprise, capital is needed before to cover the start-up costs. Likewise for established businesses, growth, expansion or diversification requires finance. This program examines the various sources of finance available to businesses. Barry Morse from the Cardiff Business School, in conjunction with the presenter, takes us through a range of sources of finance including shareholder funds, venture capital, silent partnerships, banks, trade credit and factoring. There is also an additional bonus section on hiring and leasing.
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DVD / 2012 / 23 minutes
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Featuring James Fleet, Kim Wall, Mina Anwar and Beverley Hills
The best thing about dealing with a good sales person is you don't feel like you're being sold to. As far as you're concerned you're just receiving good service.
This programme is designed to equip your staff with all the skills and techniques they need to approach sales opportunities with confidence.
Suitable for all levels of staff who deal with customers, the lessons demonstrated are immediately actionable and accessible, from winning the customer's confidence, to discovering their needs, from knowing your product, through to closing the sale.
Included in the programme is specific extra content for both retail and financial sales. These cover everything from handling complaints to dealing with difficult customers.
DVD (With Leader's Guide, Workbooks) / 2007 / 38 minutes
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Featuring: Presenter Peter Quarry
Too many people in organisations wait for instructions, advice, guidance and permission to do things. Don't wait to be empowered, empower yourself!
Learn the mindset changes that will result in more initiative, better problem solving, willingness to learn and confidence to speak out.
Training Points
1. Be constructive
2. Change yourself
3. Be open to feedback
4. Focus on results
Learning Outcomes
1. Be able to describe the benefits of empowering themselves
2. Be able to describe the four ways in which they can become more empowered
3. Have identified three specific things they can do differently in their workplaces to empower themselves
DVD / 2007 / 11 minutes
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Presenter Peter Quarry
The third step in the performance planning process is to develop specific performance standards for each key result area.
Viewers learn how to identify standards in a collaborative way that increases commitment. Plus they'll discover easy ways to write quantitative and qualitative performance standards.
The advantage of having specific performance standards is that the manager and employee have a fair and objective basis to review performance later.
Training Points
Identify and set performance standards for a job's key results
Focus performance standards on results, not just tasks or activities
Develop quantitative and qualitative performance standards
Increase employee commitment by developing performance standards collaboratively
DVD / 2006 / 11 minutes
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Featuring Hugh Laurie, Andy Taylor, Jennifer Hennessey, Beverley Hills and Joanna Brookes.
Every organisation has a different kind of performance review system. Even so, the reaction to reviews is often the same - one of horror. Performance review sets out to encourage individuals to think about reviews in a new, more positive way.
In two distinct parts - one for managers and one for appraisees - this amusing drama uses memorable characters to demonstrate different behaviours and techniques, and shows the equally crucial role that both sides have to play.
Help for managers
Part one: every manager's nightmare is aimed specifically at managers who know the importance of an employee's performance review, but usually find them fairly painful to do. By making them less confrontational and more productive, managers will be able to fearlessly deal with all performance reviews.
Classic 'difficult' characters in action are shown with simple and effective strategies for getting them on-side. Through these characters we are able to demonstrate key review techniques managers can develop.
Help for appraisees
Part two: every appraisee's dream is aimed at employees approaching their review. This section displays the positive side of performance reviews and gives a full and vivid illustration of just how well they can go when they're handled properly by both parties. It shows the appraisee and manager just what can be achieved from a successful review.
DVD (With Leader's Guide, Workbook) / 2003 / 50 minutes
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Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal deals with the transition to a new performance management process. The question of subtle racism and people being measured by different 'yardsticks' is also examined.
Balance of Work/Family Issues
Balance of Work/Family Issues discusses the dilemma of balancing work and family, including child and elder care, single parenting and dual-career families.
DVD (Closed Captioned, With Leader's Guide, Workbooks) / 1993 / 20 minutes
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Anyone who needs to challenge the way they think will benefit from this visually stimulating and highly entertaining resource.
Based upon the work of Mark Brown of Innovation Centre Europe, this exciting programme looks at the barriers to profitrelated creative thinking and suggests some simple but powerful ways to overcome them. It shows how constantly stimulating creativity and innovation is key to coming up with viable ideas for products and services, and processes and procedures that your customers (internal and external) really want.
It explores the difference between a 'dinosaur' and 'dolphin' outlook, and looks at why we tend to restrict thinking to self-imposed limits, how we can avoid idea assassination, and how to take the initiative and translate ideas into action.
DVD / 1993 / 10 minutes
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With Tom Peters
There is a revolution underway, in business government, and education, people are challenging the "gospel," thinking the unthinkable, and achieving the impossible. Behind it all are people who have a passion for excellence.
In this classic program, Tom Peters highlights the creative methods and accomplishments of some of these "hang tough, never-say-die" individuals. You will hear about Air Force Ret. General Bill Creech who motivated airmen onto being better maintenance and support people through the use of medals, medallions, and flags. You will hear about Baltimore Mayor, Donald Shafer who "sold" potholes to promote city restoration¡K and much more!
Target areas of individual competence that determine long term excellence
Foster superior, unswerving customer service
Encourage and support creativity, innovation, and risk taking
Promote caring leadership as an inspiring model of superior performance
DVD / 1985 / 63 minutes
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To benefit from the capable, empowered workforce, managers must coach rather than direct all workplace activities. Follow a manager as he uses his facilitation process skills to help individuals and groups reach decisions.
DVD / 27 minutes
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C. W. Metcalf now brings his humor presentation to video!
A sense of humor and joy of living helps individuals and organizations stay healthy, sane, and competitive in an often violently changing world. This training video series can teach all employees to reduce stress to create a positive, productive environment.
This video series is filled with wall-to-wall laughs and effective techniques on how to deal with problems, difficulties, and stress. C. W. Metcalf leads your staff through such techniques as Humaerobics to help people lower their fear of embarrassment and failure. His medicine is as much fun as the cure. This cost- effective training series is an excellent half-hour of laughing and learning at the same time.
See the advantages of learning how to lighten up, access the joy in adversity, and take humor seriously. This interactive series is guaranteed to make employees relax, laugh, and start developing methods to deal with change in their environment.
C. W. Metcalf now brings his humor presentation to video! Metcalf developed Humor, Risk, & Change through a series of over 600 presentations to clients worldwide. In a dynamic and entertaining video series, Metcalf brings to your employees techniques to help them thrive during change and crisis.
C. W. Metcalf developed Humor in the Workplace after his hospice volunteer work with young cancer patients. These children taught him to laugh and enjoy life even in troubled times. Now, Metcalf brings this theory to you. Teach your employees to discover the most valuable tool for survival in today's world-humor
DVD / 60 minutes
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"How do you treat a person with a disability? Like a person," explains Ron Cohen, Executive Director of United Cerebral Palsy of Los Angeles. This program helps viewers increase their awareness of the special needs of customers who are disabled. Real people with different physical disabilities describe the kinds of service they prefer and offer strategies and techniques designed to help individuals serve customers with disabilities more easily and effectively. Appropriate for building awareness and sensitivity to some of the service issues surrounding customers with disabilities.
DVD / 15 minutes
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Relationships and camaraderie at work are essential for an engaged workforce. However, the examples depicted in this training toolkit have crossed the line and have become damaging to employee relationships, employee morale and productivity.
Gossip, gripes, and rumors have become a national past time in the workplace. Unfortunately, these forms of toxic talk can have serious repercussions for your employees, your managers and supervisors, and for the profitability and productivity of your entire organization.
Relationships and camaraderie at work are essential for an engaged workforce. However, the examples depicted in this training toolkit have crossed the line and have become damaging to employee relationships, employee morale and productivity.
Whether your organization already has a policy on toxic talk or you're just beginning to look at the effects damaging communication has on your productivity, this program is designed to give your organization a chance to discuss some real issues affecting your workforce.
Using three open-ended scenarios, the training design focuses on how to respond if you become engaged in toxic conversation and helps participants to redirect potentially hazardous communication. The activities also help participants understand the different perceptions of those involved in toxic talk and how others are affected by this behavior.
DVD (With Facilitator Guide) / 9 minutes
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