Weekly New Releases - Business
Amazon Kindle, Tribeca Film Festival, SAP "Run Better," Made by Hand
A tree joyfully sings for not being turned into paper, movie snacks get into a fight to announce the Tribeca Film Festival, SAP tells us to run better, and the Made by Hand series introduces some interesting characters that will inspire you to follow your dreams.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 26 minutes
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PNC Christmas Price Index, Microsoft, Direct TV, Milk
Sing the twelve days of Christmas with a twist, find out if you're lantern worthy, Meet TAD, a '70s salesperson that will NOT become your best I.T option, edit your own ads with Microsoft Azure, and watch NFL football stars Pat and Eli Manning become footballs cops.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 26 minutes
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Dockers, Dead Space 2, US Census
Dockers demands that men start wearing the pants. EA sells a new game with the byline "your mom will hate it," and all citizens are invited to take part in the national census.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 26 minutes
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Hartford Small Business Insurance, Sobe, 5 Gum, RMS Expedition Titanic
RMS dives to the bottom of the ocean to let the audience visit the wreckage of the Titanic for the first time in history. Sobe dares you to try on a new look. An insurance company encourages small businesses to be prepared for when trouble comes around, and 5 Gum presents a new flavor that changes the way it tastes according to who's chewing.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 26 minutes
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Cannes Advertising Festival, Bounty, McDonald's, AllState Insurance, Norton Online Security
David Perez is sent to the Cannes Advertising festival with one condition - he must do everything people ask of him on Twitter, Bounty makes you dance the Guacamole, Dean Winters personifies mayhem, beautiful films from McDonalds make you feel warm inside and get you craving a Happy Meal, and David Hasselhoff gets irritated by an oscillating fan for Norton Online Security.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 26 minutes
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Citi Bank, Terminix, T-Mobile
Terminix brings back bedside story monsters to illustrate the dangers that live at home. T-Mobile gives you the opportunity of having five people to call unlimitedly (and makes fun of the consequences), and Citi shows you how strongly a Mets fan feels about stadium seats.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 26 minutes
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McGruff the Crime Dog, Tide, Miller High Life
McGruff the Crime Dog makes a reappearance to show kids that bullying online can be really damaging, a lot of people make some odd dressing decisions, but make it work thanks to being clean with Tide's latest campaign, and Miller High Life shows that a two second ad can be really effective (small time players deserve a chance to sell their products on the big screen as much as the big ones).
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 26 minutes
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MTV, Qdoba, Fiat, Ad Council, State Farm Insurance
MTV makes a pre-historic graffiti animation, Qdoba clients fight over who is getting more benefits, Fiat re-enters the market after 25 years of absence, the Ad Council creates a helper monkey hotline to help you with your mortgage, and State Farm brings in a robot that will leave you in a state of Chaos.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 26 minutes
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Wrangler, Ultimat Vodka Social Life Audit, Lexus
Wrangler suggests you should get your edge back, Ultimat Vodka evaluates your sociability with 'Social Life Audit', and Lexus creates an interactive film to show you the dark side of green.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 26 minutes
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With Doug Conant
The transformative power of a human connection.
Guiding others with a "listen, frame, and advance" mindset.
Why inspiring trust is critical to enduring leadership success.
Early in his career, after nine years with General Foods, Doug Conant was unexpectedly and summarily laid off from his job. It was devastating, he recalls, yet kind words from an outplacement counselor not only got him through it, but helped shaped his approach to leadership success. It's in the moments of saying "just the right thing at just the right time" that leaders can make a positive, constructive impact on others.
To sustain the impact of these touchpoints in an enduring way requires adhering to six guiding principles of leadership that he describes, along with inspiring examples of how this can be done. First, think about where you want to end up in your career, and plan accordingly. Be able to make the hard decisions, but be sensitive to soft issues. Be tough-minded with standards and tender-hearted with people. Make a personal connection to the agendas of others to form an enduring relationship. Stay ever alert to what matters most with your strategy, your people, and your actions. And finally, never stop working at leadership: it's the most important thing you do.
DVD / 2013 / 55 minutes
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By Stephen Tharrett
In the current marketplace, having a differentiated brand promise on which a health/fitness club can consistently deliver can be the difference between success and mediocrity for that facility. Branding: Establishing a Promise That Engages the Emotions provides an insightful overview concerning how a health/fitness club can establish, message, and deliver on a differentiated brand promise. The DVD also defines the five major emotional promises into which most club brands fall as well as details the five keys to building and sustaining a great brand.
Among the topics covered:
What is a brand?
Brand value
Brand presentation
The nature of a brand's power
Keys to building a great brand
DVD / 2013 / 65 minutes
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Although conflicts can be destructive to businesses and organizations, they can bring about positive impacts if handed properly. This presentation defines conflict, investigates common causes of conflict and compares different conflict management styles. Students will learn skills to resolve conflict and the process of third party intervention.
DVD / 2013 / 26 minutes
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Loyal, happy customers and clients are the foundation of your success. The best customer service is how they get that way!
Your business or organization wouldn't exist without your customers. But sometimes this all-important fact gets lost in the demands of daily activities.
This video is the solution. Great for new hires or energizing your current team, it uses humor to show employees that being good at customer service (and taking pride in their work) is not only a job requirement but can be personally satisfying as well.
The "customer" part of customer service
Greet the customer
Connect with the customer
Respect the customer's priorities and time
The "service" part of customer service
Listen and evaluate
Meet the customer's needs
Know your business
Viewers will enjoy the amusing story of two coworkers who start their day experiencing bad customer service as customers themselves. Comparing notes, they enter a friendly competition to see who can offer the best customer service that day on the job. As they demonstrate sales skills and handle rushed (even unhappy) customers, their fun rivalry reminds employees that customers are people too. And it makes the point to employees that their peers are counting on them as well.
In fact, coworkers are also customers. Everyone has "internal customers" when helping other employees meet common goals. And every employee represents the organization when encountering outsiders, whether or not customer service is a major part of their job description.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / 18 minutes
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Excellent telephone customer service doesn't just happen. It requires dedication, skillˇXand enthusiasm.
Your voice, responsiveness, and product knowledge are the only tools you have to convey the right impression and build customer loyalty over the telephone.
Our comedic hosts have a lot of fun with this subject, but their underlying message is sincere: telephone customer service is an important job and it has to be done well. You don't get a second chance once a customer hangs upˇXunless you leave that customer with a good feeling and the desire to do business with you again.
The "customer" part of telephone customer service
The greeting
Listening skills
Telephone courtesy
The "service" part of telephone customer service
Product and system knowledge
Problem solving
This program portrays traditional and nontraditional customer service roles, ranging from a mail order company to a medical setting, from a corporate admin to a warehouse supervisor. These different scenes show that everyone in the organization has customersˇXeven if they are your "internal customer" coworkers.
Our narrator hosts also touch on the finer points, such as upselling and cross-selling (when an additional product or service would better satisfy customer needs). And they explain how to handle angry or dissatisfied customers in a way that both solves the problem and ultimately strengthens the relationship.
Telephone customer service takes skill and finesse. This video conveys the communication skills and positive attitude necessary to provide serviceˇXand project that warmth in your voice, call after call!
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / 17 minutes
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By Guy Dineen
Digital Marketing presents an overview of the basic factors involved in how health/fitness clubs can leverage marketing medium to communicate with their members, as well as with prospective members. The DVD explains how consumers use the Internet to search out their choices and how this situation can affect a club's digital marketing strategy. The DVD also details how clubs can develop an effective digital marketing strategy, even on a relatively limited budget.
Among the topics covered:
Understanding the Digital Consumer
Steps to Building Marketing Strategy
Search Advertising
Organic Search
Landing Page
Social Media
Your Website
DVD / 2013 / 50 minutes
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By Bill McBride
Establishing a Powerful Online Presence features an overview of the basic factors involved in successful social media marketing. The DVD discusses why this particular marketing platform can be so effective in the health/fitness club industry. The DVD also looks at how digital marketing and selected social media channels can be used to further a club's brand and its online connection. In addition, the DVD reviews online deal purchasing and explains how it might fit into a club's operational strategy. The DVD also details how clubs can combine various social media to maximize their marketing efforts.
Among the topics covered:
Brick Marketing
Search, Listings, & Reputation Management: Why Is This So Important?
Define your key marketing objectives
Marketing tactics
Social Media Key Guidelines
Referrals, recommendations & revenues
Social media combined tactics
DVD / 2013 / 74 minutes
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Ethics are important in all types of businesses. This presentation provides the definition of ethics, discusses current ethical issues in today's business world, explains social responsibilities of businesses and provides guidelines for making ethical decisions. Experts from various organizations share real-world experience and provide advice to conduct business ethically.
DVD / 2013 / 35 minutes
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With Jeremy Bailenson
Virtual reality is here, it's affordable, and it's changing business practices.
Using virtual reality to influence, persuade and teach.
How to turn today's video gamers into tomorrow's customers.
Children in the U.S. spend twice as much time playing video games as they do reading. Virtual reality is their medium of choice. What does that mean for your business? To reach future employees and customers, organizations can leverage virtual reality in two waysˇXinternally, as a powerful teaching and learning tool, and externally, in marketing and communication practices. Early adopters such as Merrill Lynch, Toyota, LinkedIn and Konica Minolta are already seeing dramatic results in learning simulations, training, and marketing effectiveness.
Professor Bailenson draws on his years of psychology experiments in Stanford's Virtual Human Interaction Lab to demonstrate, in dramatic video footage, the power of virtual reality. In a virtual environment, subjects can be persuaded more easily, adopt new behaviors, and gain awareness and empathy for others. Already in practice is Bank of America's online "Face Retirement" campaign, which uses your picture to show you aging, encouraging young customers to put more money into savings.
DVD / 2013 / 56 minutes
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Skills to effectively communicate with a diverse population are becoming increasingly important in today's society. This presentation provides the definition of diversity, identifies the role of culture, and presents the benefits and challenges of managing diversity. Experts from various organizations provide advice on effectively communicating with racial, ethnic, gender, age and ability diverse populations.
DVD / 2013 / 53 minutes
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Everybody loves celebrities. Marketing experts and brands have long known this and have used celebrities endlessly as a tool to attract customers and sell products. On this episode of Mark It, find out what are the benefits and risks for a brand when being endorsed by a celebrity. Why does is work? How does it work? Is it always successful? Find out how brands can choose the right celebrity for a brand and what happens when the branded personality goes off the side of the road.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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In the past, brands pushed out messages that came across as certainties and the customers obliged, buying more and more products. Then came the time of 'the customer is always right', but no one truly believed he was (brands just wanted to reach further). During the 1990s, companies realized that customers were no longer sticking around and that they were no longer blindly following their lead. As the Internet and social media flourished, new and better opportunities to improve customer service appeared. In today's increasingly connected world, the customer is king and brands need to accept that they no longer are in control. Brands can no longer de defined top-down.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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The past few years have been all about social, digital and online. The future doesn't seem to show any signs of changing that. In today's world, 65% of consumers report having had a digital brand experience that has changed their opinion of a brand. And 97% say that their digital brand experience influenced whether or not they eventually purchased a product or service from that brand. Digital is not just another platform to push out messages; digital is a way of life in which total control over your brand is not possible. This episode of the lessons from the digital world. The advantages of digital-born companies, why offline can't stand alone anymore and the companies that are beautifying the web.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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When we were children, we learned the alphabet by singing along, pretended to be superheroes that saved the world, played videos games, cards, role-playing; and then, one day, we stopped playingˇK or did we? The explosion of social networks and the tsunami of new interactive channels for communication that have risen in the past few years have radically changed the way in which people interact, engage and relate to brands (and with each other). Some companies have seen the need to pull away from traditional selling messages towards more interactive experiences that relate to consumers personal lives. Find out how game mechanics and game thinking can help drive innovation, loyalty and even sales.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, the weather is becoming more extreme, and we're seeing floods and droughts more often. There is no doubt; the world is changing, your customers are changing, you are changing. We are in strife and risk not having much of a future, and yet, how much are we really doing about it? Corporations talk about optimizing resource use, saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to stop worsening climate change. They start to promote hybrid cars, plant-based detergents and new technologiesˇK but how much do they really intend to change, and what do plants have to do with marketing?
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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Women buy or influence the purchase of 85% of all consumer goods and services. The rise of female consumer power is changing the ways companies design, make, and market products. But are marketers sure of what matters? Do they know what women want?
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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By the end of 2011, there were more than 5.8 billion mobile phone subscriptions in the world. Mobile is the first and only technology that reaches everyone. Mobile devices have already outnumbered landlines five to one (and even personal computers and televisions three to one). Thereˇ¦s no other technology that has become so widespread so quickly in the history of humanity. Texting, mobile sites, apps, banners and much, much more. Discover how to make the most out of your communication efforts, what people expect to see from brands and what will happen next as consumers increasingly rely on their mobile devices to shop, learn, research, play and engage.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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In 1983, the first mobile device was launched. The Motorola Dynatac 8000x was a heavy, brick-like device that was - well - not very mobile, but still caused a great sensation. Since then, thousands of models appeared and in just a few years cellphones decreased in size and weight and went from being a luxury device to a mainstream commodity (and eventually becoming the most rapidly adopted technology in human history). Today, everything is a couple of buttons away. By 2015, there will be more than one mobile device per person on earth. Your customers are already mobileˇK are you?
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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Marketing has always been closely related to psychology. It is the art of persuasion. Everyone wants to find new methods of making people do and buy stuff. In the past decade or so, marketing experts have become more and more passionate about the human brain and are trying to figure out how neuromarketing can help build the brands of the future. Neuromarketing has proven that in order to sell, you need not to sell products, but rather seduce your consumer.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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If you're wondering how to make people follow your YouTube feed, make money from your blog or convince your CEO of putting some money on social media, stick around. Social Media Marketing is a growing trend and has been for a little while; but most brands are still trying to figure out how it works. Is it really something new or is it just another tool in the shed of marketing? Is it really useful? Can we see or measure results from having a million Facebook fans?
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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As consumers and brands explore the digital world, social media evolves. How are brands to leverage online influences, loyalty and marketing campaigns? How to respond to the consumer? What happens to the notion of privacy in a world of constant accountability, and what will be the future of social media marketing?
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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Advertising doesn't work anymore. People are not watching, listening or buying. True? Well, not quite; but close enough. As consumers are spending more and more time online, traditional marketing is becoming less and less effective. People are not looking for ads, they are searching for authentic content that entertains and educates in quick doses. Consumers want personalized touch points that make life easier. Learn how to become likeable, viral, shared, and loved by your consumers. Find out what consumers are looking for and how to deliver great content that can become a starting point to develop great products and services.
DVD / 2013 / (Senior High - College) / 25 minutes
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An exploration of what most marketers would regard as the most important element of the Marketing Mix: Product.
PART 1 (15 mins): All About The Marketing Mix: Product. An introduction into the essentials of "product". What is value analysis? How is it done? What is the product life cycle? How can a business extend the life of a product? What is meant by brand extension? Also includes the Boston Matrix as a way of analysing a product portfolio.
PART 2 (8 mins): Case Studies In Value Analysis. Apple iPad compared to the Panasonic Toughpad. Tesco's Everyday Value range.
PART 3 (8 mins): Cash Cows, Stars & Dogs: Coca Cola is the cash cow that has funded new products, including "dogs" such as New Coke and Dasani in UK. Apple's come-back cash cow was the iPod, but that has been superseded by iPhone and iPad. McCain Foods' Oven Chips are the cash cow that has funded many variants.
Value Analysis
Product Life Cycle
Product Portfolio
Boston Matrix
Product Differentiation
Brand Extension/Product Extension
DVD / 2013 / 31 minutes
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PART 1 (7 mins): Extension Strategies: Skoda: how did Volkswagen reinvent the Skoda brand? Famous Failures! How some brands went "a stretch too far", including Harley Davidson perfume, yoghurt from Cosmopolitan magazine and mountain bikes from gun makers Smith & Wesson.
PART 2 (9 mins): Long Lives, Short Lives, Reincarnations: The Mars bar. What is the secret of its longevity? Cadbury's Fuse went off like a rocket but fizzled out - but Wispa came back from the dead. Lyle's Golden Syrup has hardly changed in 100 years!
PART 3 (6 mins): New Product, Same Brand: Call Of Duty is the masterbrand for a range of products - critics accuse Activision of "diluting the brand". Activision says: just look at sales! Special Editions is another way of getting new life out of an old product - but for the Queen's Jubilee 2012 not everyone was amused.
Extension Strategies
Famous Marketing Failures
Long Lives, Short Lives, Reincarnations
DVD / 2013 / 22 minutes
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PART 1 (15 mins): Pricing Strategies. Price & income elasticity of demand explained. Also covered: penetration, promotional and premium pricing, with examples. What is meant by "skimming the market" and "price discrimination"?
PART 2 (18 mins): Pricing Case Studies. The recession and rising costs has hit the catering trade: how does this affect pricing strategies? Innocent Drinks once commanded a premium price, but have new products undermined their usp? 99p Stores have used price as a strategic weapon, and are benefiting from recession. Ryanair had also used price to gain market share and as a brand identifier. Diesel uses its brand image to charge premium prices. But price can have damaging social effects: we look at cheap alcohol sales in supermarkets and energy sector pricing. Is it effectively a monopoly?
Pricing Strategies
Price & Income Elasticity Of Demand
Penetration Pricing
Promotional & Premium Pricing
Price Discrimination
DVD / 2013 / 33 minutes
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By Stephen Tharrett
More than ever before, the success and profitability of a health/fitness club depends on its ability to succinctly communicate the value of its brand to the marketplace. Communicating Your Brand's Value Proposition discusses the keys for a health/fitness club in order to establish, implement, and execute an effective marketing strategy that cogently messages its brand promise, as well as attracts prospective consumers. The DVD also explains how clubs can make sure that their marketing message and marketing tools align with their brand promise and audience.
Among the topics covered:
What is marketing?
Marketing strategies
Print advertising
Direct Mail
Buzz Marketing
Internet & Social Media
DVD / 2013 / 62 minutes
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With Ed Whitacre
Failures of matrix management and the need for authority with responsibility.
How worrying about a penny (or a million dollars) can kill a successful negotiation.
Working with the unions to get GM back on track.
Growth by acquisition has its place, but at some point you actually have to run your business. CEOs who buy, buy, buy with no real vision or strategy in mind can quickly end up with a big operational mess on their hands. That model is not sustainable, and nonstop deal-making just wears people down. Instead, understand your purpose, keep it simple, stick to your vision and business strategy, and execute the best you can. Anything that gets in the way of this has to go.
In this session, Jon Levin, Stanford University Professor and Economics Department Chair, leads an insightful interview in which Ed Whitacre shares, vividly, leadership lessons learned and the core management principles that catapulted him to 17 years as chairman and CEO of AT&T and, temporarily lured out of retirement, as chairman and CEO of General Motors Co.
DVD / 2013 / 48 minutes
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By Bill McBride
Social Media & New Marketing Technologies offers information and insights on how health/fitness facilities can develop a social media strategy that enables them to connect with their existing members, attract prospective members, and track these interactions as leads and sales for their business. The DVD looks at several of the most popular social media platforms (e.g., Twitter?, LinkedinR, FacebookR, FoursquareR, PintrerestR, etc.) and points out the opportunities as well as the challenges that exist for leveraging this particular marketing channel. The DVD also discusses how clubs can use social media to increase their level of membership.
Among the topics covered:
Why group ex?
Social media
Lead generation & retention
Digital Technology
Club One Fitness Mobile app: keep members connected from mobile devices
New Club One Fitness website
Facebook: our main social media channel
Youtube: increase SEO, retention, & engagement
Online group purchasing
Other uses of new marketing technology: direct mail using Advercor
DVD / 2013 / 97 minutes
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With Cynthia Montgomery
How Gucci achieved the most dramatic turnaround in fashion history.
The danger of contentment and how success can kill your organization.
Why every single employeeˇXat every levelˇXmust know your strategy.
In the past 25 years, thousands of articles have been written about strategy, but virtually none about the leadership vital for doing it well. Strategy has been transformed from an art to a scienceˇXbut science alone is not enough. Cynthia Montgomery makes the case for bringing people back into the equation. Though you start with ideas, you need leaders to construct a company that brings these ideas to fruition. Leadership is required to define your purpose and form a management model that carries it out.
One exercise Montgomery suggests is to think about death: the death of your business. What would the world be like without it? Would it be the same? If you don't make a difference, nobody will mourn you when you're gone. And if they won't miss you then, how much do they need you now? Knowing what makes you matter to your customers is criticalˇXbut even that is not enough. Whatever constitutes strategic advantage today will eventually change. That's why you can't outsource strategy. It takes leadership to watch over an organization, make the hard choices, provide clarity and alignment, and keep everyone fired up and moving ahead together.
DVD / 2013 / 58 minutes
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This DVD covers persuading, influencing and negotiating skills comprehensively enough to be used on training courses covering just one of these core skills, or on a more general communication skills course. It will equip any employee with the skills needed to get the best possible result out of any situation, and can be applied inside and outside of the workplace.
Scripted by a subject expert and trainer, this innovative training DVD is comprised of short clips which allow the trainer complete flexibility and control to intervene at any point and jump around to relevant scenes. Scenes demonstrate good practice and bad practice and cover the following areas:
DVD (Region 2, With Trainer's Guide) / 2009
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To be successful, today's organisations need leadership, not just at the top of their structure but throughout it. This DVD will enable you to deliver practical and impressive leadership training, giving managers at all levels a clear understanding of leadership and how to apply that understanding on a day to day basis.
Scripted by a subject expert and trainer, this innovative training DVD is comprised of short clips which allow the trainer complete flexibility and control to intervene at any point and jump around to relevant scenes. Scenes demonstrate good practice and bad practice and cover the following areas:
management and leadership
leadership qualities/actions
leadership vision
from motivation to inspiration
defining moments.
DVD (Region 2, With Trainer's Guide) / 2009
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An excellent presentation can be the key to achieving personal and organisational goals. This DVD is packed with fresh ideas and techniques that will enliven your training programme and equip any employee to deliver engaging and informative presentations.
Scripted by a subject expert and trainer, this innovative training DVD is comprised of short clips which allow the trainer complete flexibility and control to intervene at any point and jump around to relevant scenes. Scenes demonstrate good practice and bad practice and cover the following areas:
engaging with the audience
building confidence and managing nerves.
DVD (Region 2, With Trainer's Guide) / 2009
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This DVD will equip anyone involved with selection interviewing to prepare for, conduct and assess interviews professionally and incisively, ensuring that the right candidate is selected and avoiding the high costs associated with poor selection.
Scripted by a subject expert and trainer, this innovative training DVD is comprised of short clips which allow the trainer complete flexibility and control to intervene at any point and jump around to relevant scenes. Scenes demonstrate good practice and bad practice and cover the following areas:
an introduction to selection interviewing skills
preparing as an interviewer
exploring and verifying information
reviewing and comparing candidates
selling the job to the right candidate
the interviewees' experience.
DVD (Region 2, With Trainer's Guide) / 2009
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Most managers will, at some point in their careers, be required to demonstrate coaching skills. This DVD will help managers at all levels to build successful relationships with their colleagues and optimise their performance at work.
Scripted by a subject expert and trainer, this innovative training DVD comprises short clips which allow the trainer complete flexibility and control to intervene at any point and jump around to relevant scenes. Scenes demonstrate good practice and bad practice and cover the following areas:
an introduction to coaching
agreeing goals
active listening and non-verbal communication
using powerful coaching questions
dealing with skills gaps
coaching for attitude change
agreeing and reviewing tasks and practice.
DVD (Region 2, With Trainer's Guide) / 2008
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Every employee is required to interact with a customer at some point in their career, often on a daily basis. This DVD is designed for use with employees in any industry or organisation and will equip them with the skills they need to become more customer focused and deal with a whole range of scenarios in an effective manner.
Scripted by a subject expert and consultant, this innovative training DVD is comprised of short clips which allow the trainer complete flexibility and control to intervene at any point and jump around to relevant scenes. Scenes cover good practice and bad practice and cover the following areas:
an introduction to excellent service
building rapport with customers
understanding customer needs
using positive language
the internal customer
effective service recovery
leading in a service environment.
DVD (Region 2, With Trainer's Guide) / 2008
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Despite being an essential tool of good management, trainers can struggle to get managers enthused about performance management and appraisal. This DVD will enable any trainer to engage managers and show them the real benefits of effective performance management and appraisal.
Scripted by a subject expert and trainer, this innovative training DVD is comprised of short clips which allow the trainer complete flexibility and control to intervene at any point and jump around to relevant scenes. Scenes demonstrate good practice and bad practice and cover the following areas:
the purpose of appraisal
assessing performance
opening a performance review
giving feedback
when discussions go wrong
agreeing objectives
discussing personal and career development.
DVD (Region 2, With Trainer's Guide) / 2008
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