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Business - Customer Service
Loyal, happy customers and clients are the foundation of your success. The best customer service is how they get that way!
Your business or organization wouldn't exist without your customers. But sometimes this all-important fact gets lost in the demands of daily activities.
This video is the solution. Great for new hires or energizing your current team, it uses humor to show employees that being good at customer service (and taking pride in their work) is not only a job requirement but can be personally satisfying as well.
The "customer" part of customer service
Greet the customer
Connect with the customer
Respect the customer's priorities and time
The "service" part of customer service
Listen and evaluate
Meet the customer's needs
Know your business
Viewers will enjoy the amusing story of two coworkers who start their day experiencing bad customer service as customers themselves. Comparing notes, they enter a friendly competition to see who can offer the best customer service that day on the job. As they demonstrate sales skills and handle rushed (even unhappy) customers, their fun rivalry reminds employees that customers are people too. And it makes the point to employees that their peers are counting on them as well.
In fact, coworkers are also customers. Everyone has "internal customers" when helping other employees meet common goals. And every employee represents the organization when encountering outsiders, whether or not customer service is a major part of their job description.
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / 18 minutes
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Excellent telephone customer service doesn't just happen. It requires dedication, skill-and enthusiasm.
Your voice, responsiveness, and product knowledge are the only tools you have to convey the right impression and build customer loyalty over the telephone.
Our comedic hosts have a lot of fun with this subject, but their underlying message is sincere: telephone customer service is an important job and it has to be done well. You don't get a second chance once a customer hangs up-unless you leave that customer with a good feeling and the desire to do business with you again.
The "customer" part of telephone customer service
The greeting
Listening skills
Telephone courtesy
The "service" part of telephone customer service
Product and system knowledge
Problem solving
This program portrays traditional and nontraditional customer service roles, ranging from a mail order company to a medical setting, from a corporate admin to a warehouse supervisor. These different scenes show that everyone in the organization has customers-even if they are your "internal customer" coworkers.
Our narrator hosts also touch on the finer points, such as upselling and cross-selling (when an additional product or service would better satisfy customer needs). And they explain how to handle angry or dissatisfied customers in a way that both solves the problem and ultimately strengthens the relationship.
Telephone customer service takes skill and finesse. This video conveys the communication skills and positive attitude necessary to provide service-and project that warmth in your voice, call after call!
DVD (Closed Captioned) / 2013 / 17 minutes
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By Nicki Anderson
Customer service is one of those areas in business that is commonly overlooked. Attracting and Retaining Clients-Secrets to Know for Business Success explains why exceptional customer service serves as the core foundation of a solid business. The DVD looks at the need to understand the buying behavior of individuals and outlines what great companies do with regard to satisfying their customers. The DVD also details 10 proven customer service secrets that can help personal trainers achieve positive growth in their business.
Among the topics covered:
So what is customer service?
Understand your customers' buying behavior
What great companies do
Broken promises
Alienating customers
Pay attention to the return of investment for your customer service initiative
10 customer service secrets
What every business owner must know
DVD / 2012 / 60 minutes
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Helping people via the Internet might sound easy, but in fact, many customers expect more from a digital interface than they do from in-person or telephone venues. And because folks can take their business elsewhere with one swift click or keystroke, competition for online customers is fierce; anyone tasked with keeping them happy is on the front line of a company's battle to succeed. Using eye-catching animation, down-to-earth explanations, and illustrative chat excerpts, this video presents the best ways to assist customers who sign in rather than stroll in. Topics include the basic parameters, functions, and fine points of live chat, which enables a trainee become the "voice" of his or her company; the ways in which social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter can play a role in effective customer service; the importance of e-mail etiquette; and the methods by which a service representative should deal with online behavior that becomes upsetting or offensive.
Note: Only available in the US, Canada, Singapore and Taiwan.
DVD / 2012 / 20 minutes
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One shopper wants a price quote, another needs something that's shelved too high. Two more customers are waiting for items from storage, and there's a huge line forming at the front counter. It's another crazy day in customer service-a department that can make or break a brick-and-mortar business. Whether you're working the sales floor, waiting tables, or running a cash register, you've got to emphasize the "service" in customer service, thereby ensuring a loyal and ever-expanding base of patrons. This video shows employees how to achieve that goal, using lively animation, no-nonsense explanations, and clear, entertaining dramatizations. Topics include creating a good first impression, developing a professional and outgoing attitude, following customer service procedures in a logical manner, and handling conflict calmly, confidentially, and respectfully.
Note: Only available in the US, Canada, Singapore and Taiwan.
DVD / 2012 / 20 minutes
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We've all experienced it-the frustration of dealing with a company or organization over the telephone. Being put on hold or transferred again and again, often without finding an answer or solution, is enough to drive anyone crazy. Now, switch places-imagine you're being paid to help customers by phone. What can you do to ease their aggravation, address their queries, and solve their problems? If a conflict emerges, how will you untangle it without the benefit of face-to-face interaction? This video provides answers to those questions, guiding trainees with simple dramatizations, concise explanations, and hip animation. Offering an overview of the basic components of a telephone support system, the video emphasizes the importance of active listening, documentation, and multitasking, while helping viewers recognize the communication barriers inherent in telephone technology.
Note: Only available in the US, Canada, Singapore and Taiwan.
DVD / 2012 / 20 minutes
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By Patricia Kirk
Customer Service: Making Members Feel Special explores the main factor involved in a human relationship (the body) and how this element affects human behavior. In that regard, the DVD explains why the success of a fitness company is dependent upon the emotional connection that members have to the company brand. Because many clubs fail because they don't connect to their members, the most important skill that club staff needs to know is how to make members of their facility feel special. The DVD also reviews the fact that the underlying basis for that skill is power of body language and "best behaviors." In addition, the DVD discusses the five most effective steps for having a staff that can make members feel special, as well as seven training "hows" for achieving best behaviors.
Among the topics covered:
Why people buy?
Success of a fitness company
Some powerful facts
The most important skill we need to know
Be on our "best behavior"
The power of body language
Emotional intelligence
The 5 best steps of "the how"
7 training "hows" of "best behaviors"
Creating a great club culture
DVD / 2012 / 55 minutes
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With Lara Lee
Five practices for sustained innovation through a customer focus.
How Apple's self-awareness and customer-awareness turned it around.
Successful customer-centric leaders walk the talk, with authenticity.
Listen to your customers, understand what's bothering them, solve their problems, fulfill their dreams, let them know you care, and put them at the center of your growth plan. According to Lara Lee, this intensive customer focus is the most effective means of achieving the rich pipeline of innovation that leads to continuous improvement and consistent growth. She shares examples of how she implemented this at Harley-Davidson, as well as the successes of Zipcar, Chipotle, the global Spanish bank BBVA, Interface FLOR, Zappos, and more.
Sustained customer-focused innovation takes a disciplined approach to five key practices: empathy, clarity, commitment, agility, and leadership. Walk in your customers' shoes to intuitively understand their experience. Be fully aware of your organization's strengths and weaknesses. Build a common sense of direction and purpose among your employees. Take strategic, calculated risks but cut losses early and often. And as a leader, connect with others through personal stories and always leading by example.
DVD / 2012 / 53 minutes
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By Lauve Metcalfe
Developing a Meaningful Relationship With Your Audience explains how the use of characters, storytelling, and personal reflections can increase participant involvement in the programs of health/fitness professionals. Whether the audience is young, old, or in-between. This approach offers a non-threatening look at life choices and health behaviors. The DVD employs a series of hypothetical characters to express their personal insights on life, body image, and self-worth in a manner that can enable individuals to interpret and understand their own story in a new and different way.
Among the topics covered:
Creating relationships: blending emotion and intellect
All good stories are about having an intimate connection with the lead character
Basic qualities of a likable person
Developing your own stories
Developing your creativity
Embrace your creativity
Asking for feedback
DVD / 2012 / 58 minutes
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By Mary Yoke
How happy are you and why? What about your clients? Is the proverbial glass half full or half empty? Recent research points the way to enhanced well-being by identifying doable, realistic strategies for a happier life. In that regard, Share This With Your Clients: The Exciting New Research on Happiness details twelve key strategies for helping individuals achieve greater happiness and joy, even when times are tough.
Among the topics covered:
What determines happiness?
Why be happy?
How do you measure happiness?
Measuring subjective well-being
The AIM scale
The global findings
The how of happiness
DVD / 2012 / 62 minutes
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Without happy customers a business can't survive. But how do you make them happy? How do you keep them happy? This film visits the Dickens World theme park and the upmarket MacDonald hotel chain to find out.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: A friendly smile and open body language are vital to customer service -- but it's also important to realise that every customer is different and have different needs. First impressions are critical.
THE WEBSITE: But these days customers often get their first impressions from a company's website. The key to a good website is make it accessible and easy to use. The hotel's website adds extra value by providing visuals of the building and its rooms.
COMPLAINTS: Handling complaints is an essential part of customer service. It's important to apologise - even if it isn't the company's fault. You need to stay calm - even if the customer isn't. You have to listen to the customer - so you can understand what they're complaining about. And you must take responsibility for the problem and deal with it.
DIFFICULT CUSTOMERS: In theory the customer is always right - but what about difficult customers or people who complain in the hope of getting something free? Hotel concierge Neil sees difficult customers as a challenge: "If you can change a bad situation into a good situation you're doing your job properly."
INTERNAL CUSTOMERS: Customers can be inside the company, too - in other words, members of staff. Happy customers inside the company will mean happy customers outside the company. Staff will provide better service if they feel valued and their morale is high.
KNOW THE PRODUCT: You can have the best smile in the world, but if you don't know what you're talking about it, it won't help you. Whether it's a hotel or a theme park, staff have to know their product to give customers good service.
COMPLAINTS ARE OPPORTUNITIES: A complaint may be less a problem, more an opportunity - to turn unhappy customers into happy ones. But companies can also learn from complaints. You can pick up trends in the things going wrong and anticipate problems in the future.
STANDARDS: To maintain levels of customer service businesses set standards and then monitor how well they meet those standards. This means questioning their customers and using mystery shoppers - people who pose as customers and go undercover to test out how well the organisation is performing.
THE WOW FACTOR: But it's not enough to have happy customers - businesses want to do things to surprise and delight customers: the "wow" factor. Health and safety and data security are integral to good customer service, too.
TEAMWORKING & TRAINING: Underpinning customer service in both McDonald hotels and Dickens World theme park is a system of close-knit team-working. Everyone has an important part to play. Training is essential - not just in dealing with customers but in all aspects of the business. In the hotel mentoring plays an important part in training new staff.
WORD OF MOUTH: Good customer service is all about people telling their friends, which in turn creates new customers. This can often mean the difference between the success and failure of a business.
DVD (With Publication) / 2008 / 29 minutes
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Featuring James Fleet, Kim Wall, Mina Anwar and Beverley Hills
The best thing about dealing with a good sales person is you don't feel like you're being sold to. As far as you're concerned you're just receiving good service.
This programme is designed to equip your staff with all the skills and techniques they need to approach sales opportunities with confidence.
Suitable for all levels of staff who deal with customers, the lessons demonstrated are immediately actionable and accessible, from winning the customer's confidence, to discovering their needs, from knowing your product, through to closing the sale.
Included in the programme is specific extra content for both retail and financial sales. These cover everything from handling complaints to dealing with difficult customers.
DVD (With Leader's Guide, Workbooks) / 2007 / 38 minutes
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Communicating in the business environment involves presenting information. This Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation illustrates how to deliver an effective business presentation. Students learn to present and deliver various presentations, such as sales, reports and proposals.
CD-ROM (Win, PowerPoint Presentation (16 slides)) / 2004 /
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Like it or not, difficult customer situations are a fact of life. It's up to you to make the most of every conversation you have with difficult customers - and welcome the chance to win them over. In the new program Winning Over Even the Most Difficult Customers, you'll discover techniques for dealing with five of the most difficult types of customer situations.
You'll go beyond 'service with a smile' when you know how to:
Serenely ignore personal insults from angry customers (it's easier than you think!)
Calm upset customers by showing them you're their internal champion
Smoothly steer conversations back on track with the 'Great-Now' technique (it works!)
And much more!
Once you master the techniques presented in this DVD, you'll find that dealing with ordinary customer situations becomes easier than ever. And you will be ready to win over even the most difficult customers
DVD / 2003 / 20 minutes
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Featuring Dawn French and Patrick Malahide.
How people behave when dealing with customers or colleagues can determine the success or failure of each interaction.
In this spoof detective case, a customer is driven to distraction by the careless behaviour of staff at the doctor's, at the shoe shop, in the post office and at the station. In a series of engaging, amusing and realistic scenarios, the detective must piece together the customer's movements to see how the behaviour of several suspects led to his demise.
Three key pieces of evidence result from his enquiries:
Behaviour breeds behaviour
Behaviour is a choice
Behaviour can be used to help a transaction
DVD (With Leader's Guide) / 2000 / 28 minutes
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How do you coach people in customer care? Three case studies illustrate the problems.
1 - Receptionist Janet is off-hand with customers, but when her manager mentions it,
she feels upset. What is she doing wrong?
2 - John is an experienced salesman and responds badly to being ticked off in public for a minor fault. How should he have been treated?
3 - Cheryl is failing to communicate with client, but Frazer's attempt to coach her just confuses her. In the end he shows her exactly what he means.
"A rich source of interesting material." - People Management
DVD (With Publication) / 1999 / 37 minutes
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Featuring Dawn French, Robert Daws, James Fleet and Rebecca Front.
This entertaining and amusing programme demonstrates the techniques for making demanding customers satisfied. Four realistic scenarios draw on the everyday experiences of front-line staff and the different characters they face up to: Mr Snappy, Mrs Picky, Mr Yappy and Ms Flash.
The programme shows how easy it is to enrage and frustrate these demanding customers. However, when people adopt the PERFECT technique -being Polite, Efficient, Respectful, Friendly, Enthusiastic, Cheerful and Tactful -they manage to successfully change the outcome.
The effective mnemonic makes these simple but effective lessons highly memorable. It is easy to adopt and put into practice at all levels across any organisation that deals with customers.
DVD (With Leader's Guide, Workbook) / 1997 / 25 minutes
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A travel firm sets out to improve its approach to customer care . Secret filming captures where staff go wrong. Role play exercises demonstrate how to get it right. But what about thetour guide with his own eccentric approach to suctomer care? And can even the best techniques make up for a shoddy product or a poor holiday? The film ends with a draatic confrontationbetween the boss of the frm and a member of staff who claims their customers are being short-changed.
"Useful in bringing real situations to life." - Linda Whiter, Seevic College
DVD (With Publication) / 1996 / 32 minutes
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Asecret camera explores what happens to a variety of customers in the real world. Includes examples of customers being treated with tact, incompetence and rudeness, both on the phone and face-to-face.
This is not a guide to giving customer care, but provides a wealth of examples of the way in which customers are mistreated.
"Good practical intrduction to the meaning and improtance of customer care." - Anthony Williams, Hammersmith & West London College
DVD (With Publication) / 1993 / 25 minutes
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Featuring Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie and John Cleese.
To ensure anyone dealing with customers learns the basic techniques for achieving customer satisfaction.
Customers can be trying -and not all of them are necessarily pleasant. But it is vital to treat them all as personal guests, making them welcome and indulging their whims.
In various realistic scenarios, staff resort to aggressive behaviour, by being patronising or superior, or defensive behaviour, where they ignore the customer altogether or fail to accept responsibility. The humorous sketches lay the foundations for customer care and provide a concrete set of behavioural rules to make customers happy and keep them coming back.
They provide a memorable demonstration of the dos and don'ts of customer care, which include: finding the real need behind a request, agreeing a solution with a customer, and seeing things through to a successful conclusion.
This programme clearly defines valid rules for any customer care exercise and demonstrates that the key learning points for keeping customers satisfied apply to front-line staff in any organisation -from sales to service to a retail checkout or reception desk.
The key outcomes
Will give all types of customer-facing staff the behavioural rules for achieving customer satisfaction - even when handling the most demanding people.
Useful for all customer care exercises, role play and discussion
DVD (With Leader's Guide, Workbook) / 1989 / 32 minutes
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Seven deadly service statements ... they sound ominous, don't they? And for good reason. Some of these statements may seem perfectly innocent on the surface and there may be times when you're tempted to try using one or more other them to improve a difficult service situation. But more often than not, you'll find that you've unwittingly only made things worse.
With the advice presented in this new program, you'll learn to avoid these service killers and naturally end up providing customers with the care and professional service they deserve ... boosting customer loyalty to new heights!
Includes tips on how to ...
Focus on the customer's problems, even when you're having a bad day
Provide timely and accurate information ... even if you're just a part-time employee
Maintain a cheerful, upbeat tone of voice despite difficulties
Keep your cool during a technical crisis
Create a "we" feeling with customers
And more!
This program will ensure that you always use the right words with your customers and practice the kind of communication that makes for superior service.
DVD (With Program Guide) /(Everyone in your organization that interacts with customers.) / 18 minutes
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This program is for internal customers and external ones; for customers who are face-to-face and over the telephone. It describes how voice mail can help calm angry customers and offers suggestions for dealing with customers who are abusive or violent.
DVD / / 18 minutes
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Every employee-even those not on the organization's frontline-serves as an important link in the customer service chain. This video demonstrates how the actions of every team member can strengthen-or break-the chain vital to customer service success.
This idea-packed video will strengthen every link in your organization's customer service chain and lead to happier customers, higher sales and greater profits.
DVD / 13 minutes
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Never has it been more important to get back to providing good old fashion customer service. That's why you need the First-Rate Customer Service Training Kit.
This comprehensive multimedia product will develop customer service reps' skills in a wide range of areas, including communicating, dealing with difficult customers and turning service into sales. The program serves both as a training program supervisors can facilitate for teams and as a self-paced study course that service reps can take on their own.
The First-Rate Customer Service Training Kit is an essential resource for developing the front-line employees in your organization into confident and effective representatives of your brand. Customer service reps will discover how to:
View service situations from customers' viewpoints.
Act in the best interest of the organization to please customers.
Avoid phrases that irk customers and damage your organization's reputation.
Handle the most difficult customers with confidence.
Turn service situations into greater sales.
And so much more!
This resource includes more than a dozen guidelines that show customer service reps step by step how to handle the most challenging situations they will encounter. They will learn how to assess each situation and quickly adapt their responses. The result: reps who shine in every service interaction.
DVD (With Trainer's and Viewer's Guide) / 20 minutes
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To resolve customer complaints and achieve positive outcomes by understanding why customers have problems.
This insightful programme, ideal for all front-line staff, provides practical, focused training in handling customer complaints. It highlights that staff behaviour is the key to stopping a difficult situation turning into an explosive one. It's an individual's ability to respond positively to the customer - not losing their temper or showing their irritation - that is crucial.
The drama follows a young package holiday rep who is given an insight into how customers the world over act, and why they end up being branded as difficult. This realistic scenario outlines five key learning points -'listening', 'questioning', 'empathising', 'confirming' and 'taking action'. By following these guidelines, the rep gains the confidence to deal with customers and turn the difficult situations into positive ones.
A course guide for trainers and line managers, and a comprehensive self-learn pack, will ensure front-line staff benefit from practice of the right skills before they tackle the issues first-hand.
The key outcomes
Gain a greater understanding of customers
Become more confident in dealing with customer complaints
Become an effective problem solver and benefit from more satisfied customers
DVD (With Guides) / 27 minutes
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Each time you do business with a customer, it's a listening test. You can pass the test and encourage customers to return, or you can fail the test and lose customers to competitors. This program will help you become the listening expert that customers truly appreciate.
Discover powerful techniques and practical tips to help you:
Improve customer satisfaction by employing the three C's of listening
Develop a listening attitude that helps you relate to customers better
Overcome the three most common customer complaints
Use focus-in questions to help customers communicate their needs
See beyond a customer's words and focus on the true message
Tap into the vital information customers may be slow to share
And much more!
This program will help you pass the listening test with flying colors and keep your customers coming back!
DVD / 14 minutes
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Make sure every customer is a satisfied customer ... with assistance from this new hit DVD. In just minutes, your staff will learn superior customer service techniques, including how to deal with - and win back - even the angriest customer.
DVD / 20 minutes
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